Our nurses collaborate with parents, school staff, and community health care professionals to meet each student’s specific needs during the school day.
Responsibilities as District Nurses include training and supporting school staff who provide health care for students while in school, and coordinate medically related services that are necessary to keep students safe and healthy in the classroom.
Health Forms
- Authorization for Medication Administration / Autorizacion para la Administracion de Madicamentos por el Personal de le Escuela
- Authorization to Use and/or Disclose Educational & Protected Health Information / Autorización para usar y/o divulgar información educativa y de salud protegida
- Certificate of Immunization Status, Oregon / Certificado de estado de vacunación
- Self-Administration Agreement / Acuerdo De Automedicacion
- Authorization for Medication Administration / Autorizacion para la Administracion de Madicamentos por el Personal de le Escuela
Parent Information
- Back to School Family Checklist / Lista de verificación de regreso a la escuela para familias
- Communicable Disease Guidance / ¿Cuándo debo mantener al estudiante en casa?
- GAPS Parent Health Service Manual / GAPS Manual de Servicios de Salud de Para Padres
- Immunization Requirements
- Lice Information / Lice Information for Schools
GAPS Communicable Disease Prevention
Health Services Coordinator:
Marivi Wright, CHES, CPST
District Nurse:
Amanda Larsen, BSN, RN
District Nurse:
Amy French, RN
Lead District Nurse:
Annamarie Ford, BSN, RN
District Nurse:
Katie Roskelley, RN
District Nurse:
Susan Parker, BSN, RN
District Nurse:
Tiffany Wilcox, RN
Department Secretary:
Sabrina Bumgardner
To reach one of our team members please use the following contact points:
email: district.nurse@albany.k12.or.us
ph: 541-967-4554
fax: 541-704-1145
Public Health Resources
Our Health Services Team collaborate with local public health officials to provide resources and communicate public health information.
Linn County Health Department
Benton County Health Department
State and Federal:
Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Health Authority
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention