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Licensed Bargaining



In February, Greater Albany Public Schools (GAPS) and the licensed employee union, Greater Albany Education Association (GAEA), began negotiations as the union’s 2021-2024 amended contract neared its close. While the district and union continue to negotiate, the two entities continue to operate under the terms of the Licensed Bargaining Agreement. It’s important to note this remains an active contract that the district continues to honor when addressing potential disputes.

GAEA represents approximately 547 employees who are responsible for teaching students.

GAPS Financial Information

Compensation for GAPS teachers is the district’s first priority. The district has adjusted its budget throughout the last two years to focus on this priority. The document below highlights the district’s current financial information and the plan to build a sustainable budget.

Please note: GAEA proposes increases of over $21 million. This equates to an average cost of 201.5 licensed employees at an average cost of $103,636.

Click here to view the presentation in a pdf. 


The District’s Offer

The district prioritizes compensation for teachers with longevity. Click the boxes below to see the current compensation schedule for the 2023-24 year and projected salary schedules for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 academic school years. Please note that the top scale for teachers in the 2024-25 school year is $90,842, which is a daily rate of $475.61 or an hourly rate of $59.45 for a 191-day contract. 

Additionally, please note that the top step salary for 2025-26 is $95,384, a daily rate of $499.39 or an hourly rate of $62.42 for a 191-day contract. 

2023-24 pay schedule   2024-25 pay schedule   2025-26 pay schedule  


Below is the district’s offer to GAEA. The table highlights the increase in compensation the new contract would provide to teachers over the three years this contract will be in effect.

  Base Salary Extra Duty Insurance Committee Pay

 Year 1 (2024-25)

6% increase, Top Step/Longevity  7% 2% increase $1,598.21 insurance cap no increase, $50 a month increase to opt out cap $40
Year 2 (2025-26) 4% increase, Top Step/Longevity 5% 2% increase $40 increase to cap $45
Year 3 (2026-27) 3% increase, Max of 5% based on western states CPIU 1% increase $40 increase to cap $50

Note: Per diem will be paid only for required trainings offered outside of the 191-day contract.


Upcoming Meeting Dates

  • June 18

Información general

En febrero, las Escuelas Públicas de Greater Albany (GAPS) y la Asociación de Educación de Greater Albany (GAEA) que es el sindicato de empleados con licencia, comenzaron negociaciones a medida que el contrato enmendado de 2021-2024 del sindicato llegaba a su fin. Mientras el distrito y el sindicato continúan negociando, las dos entidades siguen operando bajo los términos del Acuerdo de Negociación del Personal con Licencia. Es importante señalar que este sigue siendo un contrato activo que el distrito continúa honrando al abordar posibles disputas.

GAEA representa aproximadamente a 547 empleados que son responsables de enseñar a los estudiantes.

Fechas de reuniones futuras

  • 18 de junio