Signed Contract from Dec 1, 2024
GAPS Communication about Bargaining
Dec 1 Update
GAPS Community,
The District and GAEA bargaining teams have worked intently over the Thanksgiving break and are in the process of signing all open articles as this message is being sent! Unfortunately, there are still several details to finalize and as a result, schools will be closed for students on Monday, December 2.
The District will continue to work collaboratively with the GAEA on a final strike settlement agreement to end the strike and return staff to work as soon as possible. Once the strike settlement agreement has been met,
the GAEA will need to assemble its members to ratify the contract through a vote before it can be presented to the Board for final ratification and implementation.
Once an agreement has been ratified students will return on a 2-hour late start the following day. The start date will be announced as soon as it is set but we hope to have students and staff in schools on Tuesday, December 3.
We understand this situation continues to be challenging for everyone involved. We will remain committed to keeping you informed and will provide updates as soon as we have more information to share.GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Letter from the Board
The Greater Albany Public Schools District finds itself in an undesirable position, our students have missed 9 days of school and our teachers are out on strike. Our district is facing the same issues all the other districts in Oregon are facing. Our state’s public education funding formula is broken, our state’s legislature is adding unfunded mandates to our districts, we have some bad education laws that were well intentioned but have had a negative impact on our schools, and our state’s overhead/PERS is crippling to our schools and all other state government entities.
Our teacher’s union and all the other teacher’s unions in the state are trying to achieve a new standard with cap size in our state. We do not disagree that we need change in our state’s public education to improve it. However, we do disagree about where the majority of this change needs to occur. Before the strike in our district even started we offered our teachers a 15-18% COLA increase retroactive to the beginning of this year over 3 years. We offered our junior teachers a 7% raise and our senior teachers a 9% raise over year one. This is all the resources our district has available, and we only were able to offer this by putting off other expenses and cutting into our safety net/budget surplus. We have a budget limited by what the state gives us, not unlimited access to resources.
We both know many teachers in our district. We are both married to teachers, and we know how crucially important they are for our youth’s futures. We both want our students and teachers to have a better environment for learning. However, as board members we also have a responsibility to our community to be financially responsible with the resources the state provides our district. The Portland Public Schools District and the Salem/Keizer Schools District both had to lay off a large percentage of their staff due to contracts they entered into recently and their districts are currently paying the consequences. It would be irresponsible to enter into a contract that could not be supported without counting on a large increase in funding from the state.
In a perfect world, we could agree with the OEA state level teacher union’s goals of decreasing class size through caps. However, we cannot afford these goals without major funding changes at the state level. Furthermore, we do not believe it is in the best interest of our students, parents, community or teachers to continue the strike to achieve the Oregon Education Association’s(OEA) State goals.
We are calling for our local teacher’s union to look upon this from a more local cost/benefit level. Is it really worth the harm to our students, parents, community, teachers, and other district staff to possibly raise the bar in regards to class size caps for an OEA state goal?
The board would gladly team with our local teacher’s union, Classified union, COSA, and other districts in the state to achieve statewide change. We agree with our teachers that change needs to be made, but we believe to achieve real consequential change in Oregon’s Public Education, it requires change at the state level. We are already working to try to achieve this change with the Oregon School Board’s Association, and we would welcome collaboration with our Greater Albany Education Association to achieve this change.
Nov 30 Mediation Update
Bargaining teams met at 2:30 p.m. to begin the day’s mediation.
Throughout the day on 11/29, all remaining articles had been exchanged and were being vetted. Some details in the language were exchanged. The outstanding issue remains a single MOU on Kindergarten Class size.
The MOU being requested commits the District to a hard cap on class size in the District’s kindergarten classrooms. This means that the District would be committed to budgeting for this outcome. While there is a way that a teacher could agree to teach a class that is oversized, the district still has the onus to add a teacher without such an agreement. This represents a risk for the District, particularly with declining enrollment. In addition, the District has created processes in Article 18C to address class sizes in all grades, without the hard cap.
Current Kindergarten Class Sizes in GAPS
The reality of the current kindergarten class sizes is illustrated below. In the proposed District Article 18C: Class Size, all Kindergarten classrooms that are above 25 will automatically be reviewed by a building class size committee to determine what relief will be provided. In our Title I Kindergarten classes, this process begins when class sizes exceed 22. As you can see below, the chart illustrates that the district has responded well to higher classes with relief, including the addition of aides and a teacher. The GAEA still contends that we have several Kindergarten classrooms reaching 30 students. The District processes identified 4 Kindergarten rooms this year, and we have responded appropriately in consultation with the teachers and administrators in these cases.

With the one article remaining, and the current class sizes, the District believes that the time has come to reach an agreement and get kids back in school. The District Bargaining Team and the GAPS School Board stand ready to take swift action to ratify the contract. All that is waiting is the initialing of the remaining Articles. The District will communicate on Sunday to all parents where the bargaining stands.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 29 Mediation Update
Although a settlement was not reached yesterday, the teams got substantially closer, with an end in sight. See below for a review of yesterday’s mediation summary.
10:00 a.m.: GAPS arrived early to work on a comprehensive offer
2:00 p.m.: GAPS presented full offer to GAEA.Highlights include:
- Full COLA at 7%/9% in year one and 4.5%/5.5% in year 2
- Extra Duty Increase: 4% in year 2, 2% in year 3
- Movement to include caseload thresholds in SPED
- Agreement to seek SPED Stipend from Senate Bill 5701 (MOU)
GAEA countered with four requests that would allow settlement.
The District prepared and presented the remaining open articles in the contract to GAEA. These articles are very close to being tentatively agreed to, although some wordsmithing for clarity occurred through the late evening.
After sharing all of the remaining open articles, Article 18C Class Size became the focus of the work in the evening and into the early hours of Friday, along with an MOU focusing on class size at Kindergarten. Several discussions were held and offers were passed back and forth. The meetings were directly between District staff and District teachers, and these conversations were helpful.
The mediator released the teams at 3:30 a.m. and will reconvene to continue later today (Saturday, Nov 30th) at 2:30 p.m. We believe both teams took steps to get a great deal closer.
The District wants to inform parents that the first day back will be a late start day for students, with staff showing up at normal times to get set up. We know that families and students are ready to come back, and we pledge to spare no effort to wrap negotiations up.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 26 Mediation Update
Both teams worked today to reach a resolution, but a settlement was not reached today. Below is a summary of the day, as well as some information on Class Size and Compensation.
9:30 a.m. – The District arrived and met with the mediator, who then met with GAEA.
11:30 a.m. – The Mediator returned. More communication about Article 18C Class Size occurred. The District had provided a full mediation package on Sunday night.
Throughout the day, discussions occurred as both sides worked on language.
10:30 p.m. – GAEA provided a counter proposal that included:
- Class size thresholds that further decrease in year 3, see table below (this would increase costs substantially)
- One-year trial for 2025-2026 that gives the classroom teacher the final decision to request a co-teacher or additional certified teacher as a remedy to a class size concern
- COLA was reduced to 6.33% on the main table in Year 1 from the District’s offer of 7%, the 9% at longevity remained unchanged.
The District will work to understand and respond to this offer Friday morning.
10:30 p.m. – The Mediator released both groups and set a mediation date for Friday, November 29.
Class Size Language remains a major sticking point. Similar language was an issue last year in Portland and is currently in unfinished bargaining in Hillsboro and Beaverton School Districts. The following are nearby schools and their class size policies or contract language. GAPS currently compares favorably.
GAPS and Neighboring District Workload / Class Size Language
Greater Albany Public Schools Proposal
9 of 13 elementary schools are Title 1, Class size thresholds w/guaranteed remedies, $500,000 class fund
Non-Title Schools | Title I Schools | ||
Grade | Thresholds | Grade | Thresholds |
PreK | 20 | PreK | 18 |
Kindergarten | 25 | Kindergarten | 22 |
1st | 26 | 1st | 24 |
2nd | 27 | 2nd | 26 |
3rd | 29 | 3rd | 28 |
4th/5th | 30 | 4th/5th | 29 |
Middle School | 33 | Middle School | 32 |
High School | 35 | High School | 35 |
GAEA Proposal

Ratios referenced in the budget, no guarantees or remedies for classes over the ratio, $600,000 fund, currently 170 classroom blends
- Contract language: “The District and Association agree to establish an Elementary Class Ratio Committee (ECRC) to address concerns from educators. For the purposes of this Article, the ratio is defined as elementary teachers to students at a given grade level band (K-2 and 3-5) and a given school. Additionally, we acknowledge that early planning and preparation are key to reducing class ratio issues in the fall. This Article establishes the ECRC.”
Ratios Title I Schools Non-Title I Schools
- K – 2 25 27
- 3 – 5 27 29
No target sizes/thresholds, funding ratios given as a guide, no guarantees or remedies for classes, no class size fund
- Contract Language: “F. Workload and Class Size: The team recognizes that large class loads represent a hardship on educators, as well as students in the classroom, and acknowledges that the District may lack the ability to control all of the factors that influence class size, particularly the number of available classrooms and the number of students. Students necessitating individual programs will be taken into account when assigning 38 children to classrooms, and every effort possible will be made to ensure fair appropriate distribution of workload. Individual accommodations are included in, but not limited to IEPs, 504s, behavior plans, and health protocol.”
Schools are staffed to reach the following levels:
- K-5 26
- DLI 25 (Dual Language Immersion)
All elementary are Title I, Class Size Recommendations only, no guarantees or remedies if classes are over, no class size fund
- Contract Language: “The School Board may determine that the class size recommendations cannot be met within a particular situation because of educational needs beyond the control of the School Board, such as lack of appropriate facilities, or inadequate resources. In this case, the Superintendent shall meet with the Association in labor management to discuss and problem-solve. These solutions may include additional classroom support, educational resources, a class-size balancing process, or other solutions.”
- K – 3 24
- 4 – 5 26
- 6 – 8 30
- 9 – 12 32
Gaps Salary Offer and Schedule
Below is a salary table that compares the current salary with the latest offer of 7% and 9% COLA. This represents an average daily rate of $484.50, and an hourly rate of $60.56 (191 day contract) for a teacher on the top step this year ($92,540). Next year it would increase to a daily rate of $511.15 and an hourly rate of $63.89 ($97,630) for a teacher on the top step.

Questions from the Community
The GAPS Bargaining Team has created a webpage where families of GAPS can ask the team questions. This form is not a space for personal attacks or statements targeting individuals or groups. It is a space to get more information about the process or sticking points. Submissions that contain inflammatory language or do not align with these guidelines will not be included on the webpage. We also ask that this form be left for Greater Albany Public School District residents.
To submit a question or see responses, click here: Questions from the Community Webpage
Nov 24 Mediation Update
The District and GAEA spent the day in negotiations. Much of the work was focused on class-size language. Movement was made on the part of both groups.
At 9:30 p.m., the District passed a non-confidential offer to GAEA that addressed all remaining articles. The District made significant movement to offer protections and remedies in our class size offer, which includes:
- When class size thresholds are exceeded action will be taken in grades PreK-8
- Class Size fund of $500,000 per year
- Guaranteed options for relief
- Class size threshold numbers were lowered at all grade levels PreK-8
- Thresholds for Title Schools lowered: Pre-K 18, Kindergarten 22, 1st Grade 24
- Staff may request a review for overcrowded and/or unsafe classrooms
See the attached document for the complete Class Size Article and proposed language.
In our offer this evening, the District has re-asserted a Salary increase of 7% on the base and 9% on the top of the scale in year one. GAEA and GAPS remain very close on insurance allocations.
Articles that remain open with associated costs (rounded) but not included as an attachment are:
Article 11 Association Leave
- One-third union president salary: $47,000
Article 18B Special Education
- 5 additional days per diem: $204,000
- Increase stipend to 6.4% from current 5.5%: $156,000
Total Cost for 18B Special Education: $360,000
Article 24: Professional Compensation
Professional Compensation addresses additional compensation for specific positions beyond their base pay from the salary schedule.
Summary of moves and costs:
- ELL Teachers 4% Stipend: $42,000
- Nurse Stipend for LPN Supervision: $6,300
- Nurse to Student Caseload Ratio Fee of .03 for caseload overage: $69,000
Total Cost for Professional Compensation: $117,300
Other articles without change have fewer details and have been reasserted, unchanged.
We understand this situation continues to be challenging for everyone involved. We will remain committed to keeping you informed and will provide updates as soon as we have more information to share.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. As of adjournment, there are no plans to meet on Monday. The District remains ready to meet on Monday if necessary.GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 23 Mediation Update
Both teams worked late into the evening yesterday, continuing their efforts to find a resolution that prioritizes the needs of our students and staff while remaining financially responsible. While the process continues to face challenges, our shared goal remains the same: to reach a settlement that supports our students, staff, and community. Although a settlement was not reached, we will return to the table today (Sunday) with more creative ideas to move closer to our common goal.
We understand that this situation continues to be challenging for everyone involved. We will remain committed to keeping you informed and will provide updates as soon as we have more information to share. GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 21 & 22 Mediation Update
GAPS Community,
Nov. 21st
10:40 pm: GAEA sent over Article 25: Professional Development Counter Offer as part of a package.
Nov. 22nd
12:00 am: GAEA sent over Article 18A: Preparation Time
1:00 am: GAEA and GAPS Reached Tentative Agreements on Articles 18A and 25. These articles clarify professional development hours and established prep time across the levels to begin in the 25-26 school year.
1:15 am: The mediator adjourned both sides until today (11/22) at noon
Nov. 22 Afternoon/Evening Update
12:00 pm: Both teams arrived to begin. All open articles sit with GAEA to respond to.
3:00 pm: GAEA asked to meet with the district in a small group to discuss cost estimates.
4:00 pm: GAEA finished presenting in the small group on costing and will work to get proposals to GAPS.
6:00 pm: GAEA presented a summary sheet of their package financial and language offer:
- Reasserted last offer for SPED
- Reasserted last offer for Nurse/TOSA/Counselor stipends
- Reasserted last offer on class size language, with the exception that the current year would reserve $500,000 rather than $1.5 million. $1.5 million will remain for years 2 & 3. The language allowing the use of all available funds remains intact. Class size numbers remain the same.
- GAEA Proposed an alternate salary scale using their own computer model. This adjusted the scale by eliminating the BA Column. A step was added to the BA+24 and BA+45 columns. Adjustments were made to the scale to increase the salaries of veteran educators by decreasing the percentages of salary increases for newer employees. This results in salary increases of nearly 16% for our most veteran educators and 4% for those newer in teaching in YEAR ONE ONLY. The base salary scales in the offer are listed as 4% on the base for year one, 2% on the base for year two, and 3-5% based on CPIU in year three. This is the same concept as the model used two weeks ago.

7:15 p.m.: The District received several PDF’s from GAEA. None of them included specific salary tables or percent increases, except for the PDF shown above. The District assumes this is ‘24-’25 salary scale percent increase at each step.
7:50 p.m.: The District met again with GAEA and the Mediator in a small group to clarify that the information sent on GAEA’s proposal was incomplete. The District received only a cost estimate of its own offer. GAEA did not provide detailed salary scale information for three years of their own offer. GAEA agreed to send the scale.
8:29 p.m.: The District received salary scales from GAEA. This will require input into a cost model to determine the three-year costs. The District will finalize GAEA’s costs and percent increases and present them tomorrow (Saturday).
9:45 p.m.: GAEA was ready to present additional information on class size to a small group. This information will guide continued work by both teams.
10:15 p.m.: The District met with the mediator to determine the next steps. On Saturday, it will work to cost-analyze and meet with GAEA for continued mediation.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
OEBB/COBRA Information
We want to inform GAEA striking members that due to OEBB processes and procedures, the District is only able to pay for insurance for active employees. Next Tuesday, November 26th, is the final contract workday of the month. Striking members who are not working for the District as of Tuesday, November 26th will not be considered active employees and will not qualify for OEBB insurance coverage through the District. These members will need to make arrangements for their insurance coverage payment through BenefitHelp Solutions.
District-paid insurance benefits for GAEA striking members will end on November 30th.
After November 30th, OEBB will send COBRA insurance enrollment packets to all affected GAEA striking members. You should receive a personalized COBRA packet/application to your mailing address listed in MyOEBB. Members who elect to take COBRA insurance will receive retroactive coverage back to December 1st based on their existing plan.
GAEA has informed GAPS that OEA will be paying for the December COBRA insurance premium. It will be necessary for you to confirm with the GAEA.
Below you will find additional resources and information for insurance benefits. Please reach out to OEBB with any questions.
Nov 21 Mediation Update
GAPS Community,
As of sending this message, the GAPS and GAEA bargaining teams have not reached a settlement. Both teams are still working, but the District bargaining team would like to provide an update. Please see the summary below of today’s mediation.
Both teams arrived around 10:30 a.m. to start working on proposals.
12:15 p.m.: The mediator met with a small District team to present counter offers from GAEA on Article 18A: Prep Time and Article 24: Professional Development.
The District then worked on counter-proposals throughout the afternoon. The counteroffer included a shift on Article 24: Professional Development.
8:45 p.m.: The District offered counteroffers for Article 24: Professional Development and 18A: Prep Time to GAEA. These included an MOU for curriculum adoption and an MOU for High School 90-minute preps on the block schedule.
On Sunday, Nov 17, at 8:00 p.m., The District gave GAEA a Total Mediation Package. Since then, the District has not received any counter-offers on the articles pertaining to leave, class size, SPED, Salary, additional compensation for specialists, or insurance.
As of 9:35 p.m. tonight, GAEA continues to work on counteroffers to the articles presented. The District will include any further activity this evening in tomorrow’s update.
The District is hopeful that resolution can be reached on these key issues and will continue to work tonight and again tomorrow in mediation with GAEA, as needed.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 21 Parent Notification
GAPS Families,
The District’s Bargaining Team worked collaboratively with GAEA towards reaching a settlement during the mediation session today, Thursday, November 21. However, we have yet to reach a settlement at the time of sending this message. As a result, schools will be closed on Friday, November 22. Meal service will take place on Friday as scheduled.
A full update of today’s mediation will be shared with the community later tonight. Superintendent Gardner has prepared a video release regarding the bargaining process and our most recent work with GAEA. To view this video, please select the following link: Superintendent Gardner’s Message.
Parent Teacher Conferences
The school calendar for the 2024-25 school year established that this week was to be a non-student contact week with time set aside for Parent-Teacher conferences. Due to the current teacher strike, Parent-Teacher Conferences Will Be Canceled.
GAPS realizes that parent-teacher conferences are a critical communication tool to share student performance. It is also a time for families to meet face to face with their student’s teacher(s) to discuss what is going well and areas of improvement needed for long term student success. GAPS Principals will work with staff upon their return to communicate and share details of student progress with parents and guardians.
District-Wide Meal Service
School was never scheduled to be in session during the week of Thanksgiving. As such, GAPS will be unable to provide meal service to families. This has always been the school district’s practice as the Federal meals program does not apply during scheduled time off for students.
We know families are struggling right now, and therefore, we would like to provide contacts for community-based resources that provide food options for families in need.
- Resources by County
- Where to find food
- SP Where to find food
- Free clothing and laundry
- SP Free clothing and laundry
- Holiday Resources – EN & SP
GAPS values students, families, and staff and will continue to work as many hours as it takes to settle the contract and return students to school as soon as possible. The District’s incredible teachers need to be in front of our students to provide the quality instruction and experience they deserve.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 20 Mediation Update
Below is a summary of the day.
9:00 a.m.: The District team arrived to make final preparations for the mediation session
11:00 a.m.: GAEA team arrived
11:45 a.m.: The District met with the mediator. The District presented Article 38 Health and Safety and clarified we would provide the option to work from home outside of student contact time if the heat index was too high or if classroom/building temperatures are below 60 degrees.
The District also shared an “Impact Statement” with GAEA regarding Prep Time language changes.
2:45 p.m.: The District presented a counteroffer package that included Article 38 Health and Safety, Article 18A Prep Time, Article 25 Professional Development, and a “Memorandum of Understanding” guaranteeing the South/West block schedule until ratification of a successor agreement in 2027. This represents a response to all open articles that the district has received from GAEA.
3:40 p.m.: A District and GAEA small group meeting was held to discuss the District’s impact statement on shifting to 90-minute preps for the 24-25 Spring semester beginning in February. Each team shared essential information and perspectives to clarify key points.
GAEA was given a Total Mediation Package on Sunday (11/17) at 8 p.m., Including Articles on leave, class size, salary and additional compensation for specialists that GAPS has not received a response on.
8:30 p.m.: GAEA returned Health and Safety to GAPS with a tentative agreement. They will continue to work on Professional Development and Prep time as all open articles remain in their court.
The mediator will return with both parties tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. to continue work.
The District will continue to come to the table to reach a resolution to the outstanding issues.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 20 Schedule and Prep Time Impact Statements
Preparation and Instructional Planning Time Impact Statement
One outstanding issue in current bargaining relates to prep time at the high school level. In October, the District offered to provide GAEA daily 90-minute preps at the high schools. The current issue is when this would be applied. GAEA insists that the schedule change would occur in the 2nd semester starting in February. The District’s offer will be implemented in the fall of 2025, as a schedule change mid-year would be detrimental for our students. Below are the impacts of a mid-year change:
HS Schedule Impact Statement Article 18A Preparation / Instructional Planning Time
Moving to 6/8 at the semester will cause the following negative impacts for students:
- Loss of 34 sections at West Albany HS
- Approximately 1,000 students displaced from one class
- Loss of 39 sections at South Albany HS
- Approximately 1,170 students displaced from one class
- Loss of ALL Study Skills for Freshmen and Sophomores
- Decrease in the number of Freshmen on Track
- Decrease in Graduation Rate (for multiple years)
- Loss of credit recovery courses and intervention courses
- Decrease in Graduation Rate (for multiple years)
- Loss of elective opportunities
- Loss of opportunities for students
- Loss of credit earning opportunities
- Increase in class sizes in most remaining classes
- Loss of Special Education support classes
- Larger class sizes within the remaining support classes
Elementary Schedule Impact Statement Article 18A Preparation / Instructional Planning Time
Elementary prep also remains as an outstanding issue in current bargaining. Currently, Elementary teachers have approx. 60 min before or after school, at least 30 min within the student day and 5 days of prep time that can be taken at any time during the year or paid out to them in June. While we understand the desire for more prep time, making this move within our current framework and budget is difficult, and not what is best for students, for the following reasons:
- Elementary Prep can work in some years/situations but is not a future-forward cost-neutral item as student needs and enrollment change from year to year
- Reduces availability of classified staff, impacting student services in small groups (interventions, push-in, supervision, etc.)
- Increases workload on classified staff who help cover prep currently
- The district offer for class size numbers will potentially increase the number of classrooms and as enrollment changes (increases, transfers, etc), we will need more classrooms & aides, which reduces the ability to run a 40 min prep schedule
- More difficult in buildings with added classrooms (i.e. specialized classrooms, pre-k, etc)
- Specialist teacher assignments; shared specialists between buildings hinders efficient use of resources (travel time between buildings, splitting days at two schools, etc)
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 19 Mediation Update
GAPS Families,
Schools will also be closed on Thursday, November 21, 2024. We will continue to work towards an agreement.
1:00 p.m.: The District presented a total package mediation offer, which was passed along through the mediator. The package proposed the following changes, along with District offers on all remaining offers.
The District included in its offer the current COLA of 7% across the scale and 9% at the Longevity Step.
- Article 18A Prep Time Secondary Prep: The District modified its offer to accept some language proposed by GAEA around the specific language of guaranteed prep time and specific events that would modify the schedule to a lesser prep time (assemblies, late starts, etc.)
- Article 25 Professional Development: The district clarified language about the distinction between professional learning communities (occurring during early release Wednesdays) and Professional Development.
- Articles 24 & 18B: Professional Compensation: Speech Language Pathologists were guaranteed hours of training
5:00 p.m.: The mediator returned three articles from GAEA to the District. The mediator confirmed that the package offer the District sent earlier was not accepted. The articles are:
- Article 25: Professional Development: GAEA countered with several language changes related to their use of PLC time that would restrict the ability of principals to work with their staff on building goals during early release Wednesdays and would modify the total hours of Professional Development.
- Article 18A: Prep Time: GAEA countered on defining high school prep time specifically and seeking a guarantee to preserve 90 minutes of prep time regardless of schedule. In addition, GAEA asserted that 90 minutes of prep time would begin in the second semester this year. GAEA also countered with 40 minutes of elementary prep time with travel time within the 40 minutes (Down from the original ask of 45-minute prep). The District shared a summary of impacts in a recent update and will publish a more detailed calculation of negative impacts tomorrow.
- Article 38: Health and Safety: GAEA proposed that one GAEA member on the District Safety Committee and on Building Safety committees. They requested District maintenance to clarify plans with immediate, mid-term, and long-term solutions. Finally, they requested that if high temperatures occur outside of the school day, employees may work from another location, with notification.
7:45 p.m.: The mediator left for the evening, ending today’s mediation session.
The District did not accept the articles as written and will counter tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. Tomorrow the District will publish an impact statement on changing high school schedules mid-year and elementary prep time impacts. Both teams will meet again tomorrow morning to continue work with the mediator.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 19 Parent Notification
Dear GAPS Families,
The District’s Bargaining Team worked intently with GAEA towards reaching a settlement during the mediation session today, Tuesday, November 19. However, we have yet to reach a settlement at the time of sending this message. As a result, schools will be closed on Wednesday, November 20.
Why Can’t Students Return Immediately After a Settlement is Reached?
Upon the request of several parents and community members, we evaluated returning students the day after the contract is settled. We are very anxious to get students back into schools and with their teachers, but this will not be possible without a workday for teachers. We know this has been very challenging for families, and another day away from school will be a hardship. The reasons given below are what brought us to this decision:
- The strike has been an emotional experience for all staff. We need the chance to bring teachers back into buildings and take time to reestablish our focus on students, instruction, and rebuilding our school teams.
- We need to distribute computers and reactivate badges and email systems so teachers have full access to all of the tools needed for completing job tasks.
- All teachers will need to meet in their grade level and content teams to determine how they will adjust their curriculum to make up for the lost days of instruction.
- High School teachers will need to collaborate with our college partners to evaluate how to adjust college credit courses to meet the expected requirements.
- Schools will need to create a plan for having students return that will include social-emotional lessons addressing the challenges of being away from school caused by a strike.
GAPS values students, families, and staff and will continue to work diligently to settle the contract and return students to school as soon as possible. The District’s incredible teachers need to be in front of our students to provide the quality instruction and experience they deserve.
Nov 17 Mediation Update
10:30 a.m.: The District bargaining team gathered at the ESD to review exchanged articles from Saturday’s mediation session and prepared documents to share with GAEA.
2:15 p.m.: GAEA presented Article 25: Professional Development (PD)
2:45 p.m.: GAPS presented Article 38: Health and Safety
7:00 p.m.: GAPS proposed two different concepts for professional development in small meetings in the evening. The issues revolve around Professional Development hours throughout the year, and how they are accounted for if they happen in District-Directed or Professional Learning Community Early Release time (early release Wednesdays). Professional development time can be no more than 30 hours per year as limited by contract.
7:45 p.m.: At the second meeting to discuss PD, GAEA countered with Articles 18B Special Programs and Article 24 Professional Compensation. Both articles included language relating to Speech Language Pathologists and moving this language from other articles into more appropriate locations in the contract.
8:15 p.m.: District presents GAEA with a final offer on all outstanding articles. Included with the proposal is the costing of outstanding articles and their cost against the COLA adjustment.
9:10 p.m.: The mediator declared adjournment for the day and set the next mediation date to be Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. The mediator made the decision to suspend bargaining on Monday to enable both parties to review exchanged documents.
District Offer
The District has budgeted, in addition to our current costs for all programming, an additional 4.4 million dollars of the ending fund balance to pay for the implementation of the 2024-25 contract. Any additional expenses requested by the GAEA in this contract would place the District over budget. The only way to account for this over-expenditure is to reduce the cost of living increases (COLA) the District offered in the salary schedule.
The District’s offer for compensation in year one is 7% across the steps and 9% on the Longevity Step for our most senior teachers. The cost to the District for increasing the COLA by 1% across the base scale is $542,542, and $242,134 to increase the Longevity Step. For example, if the District were to increase the raise from 6% to 7% for the base, that would be an additional cost of $542,542. The District has budgeted for the current offer of 7% at the Base and 9% for Longevity.
The costs given below are connected with each of the outstanding Articles. In order to cover the cost of these requests, the GAEA would need to reduce the COLA to offset the additional expenditures:
Article 11: Association Leave: GAEA requests the District to pay one-third of the salary of the Union President position’s full-time release. Four of the District’s comparator districts have a full-time release, most have half-time, and two have arranged release time if needed. Only one comparator district pays any part of the union release time (West Linn, pays .5). Cost of .33 of president FTE: $47,431. The cost is equal to .2% of the longevity step.
Article 14-16: Paid & Unpaid Leaves: GAEA requests a 4th Personal Leave Day, up from 3. Only one other district among comparators gives four (West Linn/Wilsonville), 8 Districts have 3 days, 1 has two days. Cost of additional day: $155,000. Cost equal to a .2 percent of base salary COLA and .2 percent of longevity step COLA.
Article 18A: Elementary 45 minute Prep: The District and Union have discussed, at length, the impact of adding 15 minutes of prep during the instructional day. The District has now reviewed the anticipated costs three times and still sees the cost as approximately $1,000,000. More teachers would need to be hired to cover prep time. Cost equal to a 1.1% COLA at the base and longevity steps.
Article 18A: Prep Time: Secondary Prep: The District calculated $500,000 cost for the 2025-26 school year. GAEA insists the change occurs at this year’s 2nd semester. The difficulties of a mid-year scheduling change were sent out yesterday.
Article 18B: Special Education: 5 additional release days for 65 Special Education Teachers. Total cost $208,165. Cost equal to a .27% COLA at both the base and longevity steps.
Article 18C: Class Size Fund: The District proposed a $300,000 fund to adjust class sizes each year. The union has proposed a class size fund of $1.5 million. The difference is $1.2 million. Cost equal to a 1.3% COLA at the base and longevity steps.
Article 24: Professional Compensation
Professional Compensation addresses additional compensation for specific positions beyond their base pay from the salary schedule.
Summary of moves and costs:
- FACT Employees to Masters Level on Pay scale: $30,962.
- ELL Teachers 4% Stipend: $42,413
- Nurse Stipend for LPN Supervision: $6,294
- Special Education Teachers stipend at 6.4%, up from 5.5%: $156,329
- Nurse to Student Caseload Ratio Fee of .03 for caseload overage: $68,878
Total Cost for Professional Compensation: $304,876.
Cost equal to a .4% COLA at both the base and longevity steps.
Extra Duty Appendix B-1: $75,000 for COLA Adjustment to scale. Cost equal to a .1% of base salary, and .1% of longevity step.
Costs of Remaining Items and COLA Offer
Based on the above costs applied to the District-Offered COLA, the District would need to reduce the COLA to a 2024-25 Base increase of 3.6% and a 2024-25 Longevity Step increase of 5.4% to cover all costs. GAEA is free to select articles with associated costs in a manner that aligns with their priorities.
The District would simply add this: Only the COLA benefits ALL certified staff. Other items on the above list, which would reduce the COLA for ALL, do not necessarily benefit ALL. The COLA is the only way to catch staff up whose salaries have fallen behind inflation since 2021.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 16 Mediation Update
We began the morning of Saturday, November 16th at 10:00 am discussing the outcomes from Friday’s mediation session. The discussion has focused on reviewing open Articles that were shared from the GAEA on Friday and are preparing the District’s response for discussion.
While there has been a large focus on what has not yet been settled, there has been significant movement over the course of bargaining with several Articles tentatively agreed (TA’d) to at this point. Specifically, twenty-one of the thirty-four Articles that have been presented for bargaining. The twenty-one Articles that have been TA’d are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 23(A), 26, 27, 28(A), 36, and B4.
The primary focus of the DIstrict’s work will be on High Priority items the GAEA identified from the mediation session on November 13, primarily Article 18(C) on Class Size and Article 18(B) Special Education. The District is looking forward to collaborating with the GAEA in order to settle the priorities as identified.
2:20 p.m.: (Large Group) GAEA presented Article 18A Prep Time.
2:30 p.m.: (Large Group) The District presented a response to GAEA on Article 18B Special Education and Article 18C Class Size. A discussion occurred in the meeting about class size. The District offered that there is now a requirement for the District to take specific action in the event of an oversized classroom. The District shared that GAEA’s language proposing a funding source was too great a threat to District finances and that it did not accept the language. Some discussion occurred about in-district transfers between GAPS schools. It was clarified that GAEA’s policy would evaluate and revoke all current transfers to reset student numbers per building. After the reset, if the class size was too large in a specific school’s grade level, then transfers would be sent back to their home building to adjust the class size.
Class Size Funding: The District is concerned about GAEA’s request to fund class size.
- The language is as follows: The District-Wide Class Size Committee shall have full authority to allocate any funds of the District’s (new) $1.5 million class size adjustment fund.”
- Only at the request of either the Association President or the Superintendent can the fund receive additional funds beyond the initial $1.5 million.”
- If the request is made, the employer must authorize and within one week make additional allocations, unless the employer’s current available reserve funds goes below 5%.
- The association and the District have a shared interest in maintaining an 8% margin when possible.
- The District may not initiate a reduction in force unless the currently available funds go below 5%.
- The fund is to be replenished from outside of the general fund if needed, on a pro-rata basis relative to all accounts (that are not prohibited by law to be transferred from any surplus balances or contingency funds across the district).
- Each August the Association and the Employer shall meet to review all actual ending fund balances and all other accounts to assess the financial standing of the District.
The language proposed has several things that are deeply concerning for the District. First, setting aside $1.5 million dollars will be significant funding to allocate. This will come at the expense of new curriculum, computer replacement schedules, facility maintenance, etc. The language further requires that any outside fund could have money taken from it to provide for class size. The Board has an 8 percent ending fund balance policy for the District, which is a reserve of about 1 month’s expenditures. Essentially, this language would supersede Board policy and state law regarding publicly adopted budgets. We have watched several districts in the Willamette Valley essentially go bankrupt by running too low of an ending fund balance (Silverton, Newberg, Sherwood). These districts faced catastrophic mid-year cuts. The District must continue to preserve its reserves.
Secondary Schools Prep Time
The District has agreed to expand secondary teacher preparatory time to one full class period per day to begin the 2025-26 school year. At the high schools with block schedules, that would equate to teaching 6 of 8 classes, which is an increase in prep minutes as teachers currently teach 6.5 of 8. AOS teachers currently teach 5 of 6 classes, and middle school teachers teach 6 of 7 periods. AOS and all middle schools currently have a full uninterrupted prep period equal to the length of a traditional class period daily. This language will provide a great opportunity for our staff to focus intently on preparing daily to work effectively with students.
GAEA reiterated that the change in high school prep time language is to be implemented on February 3, 2025, for the start of the second semester. This will have an incredible impact on students at SAHS and WAHS and result in the following:
- Every student will need to have a new schedule built for the second semester.
- WAHS will lose a total of 32 sections of classes and SAHS will lose a total of 30 sections in the middle of the year.
- With the loss of class sections, there will be larger class sizes across the school.
- In some cases, there will be schedule conflicts, which will cause students to lose access to classes they are currently taking. For example, some students may have to choose between classes such as AP Calculus and AP Spanish due to schedule changes that have been unaccounted for due to the mid-year schedule redesign.
- Some courses will need to restrict additional student access due to class size constraints related to safety in classes such as in metals, construction, or woods.
- There will be an elimination of several intervention classes due to the loss of freshman and sophomore study skills and impacted graduation rates caused by the loss of some senior-level credit recovery courses.
7:05 p.m.: GAEA presented Article 38 “Health and Safety”. The GAEA had made several moves in the article. The District is looking at the changes and will counter with some clarifications. This article is pretty close to resolution.
8:15 p.m.: In a small group meeting, the District presented a counter to Article 25: Professional Development. Some discussion occurred around the changes, after which the District volunteered to make some amendments.
9:30 p.m.: The District amended Article 25 and returned to share in small group discussion. Further discussion about the use of PLC time for staff meetings and the planned use of November and April half days. GAEA said it would work on a counter.
9:53 p.m.: The state mediator came to visit with the team to discuss plans for Sunday’s session.
Both groups agreed to work on Sunday. The groups grew much closer in several key articles today. The District will develop remaining articles into a comprehensive package tomorrow morning with options for costing.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 15 Mediation Update #2
9:15 – 9:35 am: GAPS met with GAEA
The District met with GAEA in a small group meeting. The District presented an updated offer on class size that included an increase to $300,000 for the class size fund, changes to the class size thresholds for Title and Non-Title 1 schools, and the addition of more options for the committee to consider for relief.
During the small group meeting, GAEA requested the following items of information:
- Student transfers: requested the transfer students’ school of origin (where they were moved from)
- Current Inter-District Transfer form that parents sign
- Archived Budgets and Audits: 2015-16, 2019-20
- Admin Salary Table
The District then worked to provide the information and clarify.
Discussion of increase for administrators: GAEA wanted clarification on whether the PERS pick-up would count toward the increase given to administrators. The District confirmed that administrators would count the PERS pick-up toward any increase and had no intention of giving administrators the teacher COLA plus PERS following the conclusion of a contract settlement. The District clarified that PERS pick-up is the increase this year. Insurance will not increase for administrators for the 24-25 year.
PERS: The District wishes to clarify that administrators received the PERS pick-up this year. Classified received a PERS pick-up last year in bargaining. Teachers have had PERS pick-up since 2008.
11:30 am: The District presented updated costs for the remaining articles. Included on the costing sheet was the total cost for each one percent in COLA on the base scale and on the Longevity Step (most senior teacher’s step). Both GAEA and the District agreed to re-cost Special Education calculations, Elementary Prep at 45 minutes, and investigate Direct Medicaid Billing Income in order to reach an agreed-upon set of costs.
4:00 pm: GAEA presented Article 18B Special Education and Article 18C Class Size. This included significant moves by GAEA that were much appreciated.
5:30 pm: A discussion was held regarding elementary prep time, including current school schedules and preps for elementary teachers in each of the buildings.
6:35 pm: The Bargaining groups returned to work in the evening to agree on the following articles:
Article 4: Teacher Evaluation – GAPS agreed to GAEA language – TA Signed
- Teachers teaching outside of their endorsement will be given the option to move to a new position that they have certification in if a Plan of Assistance is needed
Article 9: Layoff and Recall – GAPS reasserted language from 11/13 – TA Signed
Article 10: Association Rights – GAPS agreed to GAEA language – TA Signed
- GAPS will choose 12 members of the Steering Committee and GAEA will choose 12 members
Article 17: Work Year – GAPS reasserted language from 11/13 – TA Signed
- GAPS had previously agreed to GAEA bathroom break language on 11/13
Article 18: Work Schedule – GAPS reasserted language from 11/13 – TA Signed
- Language to reflect GAEA giving consultation with the school board regarding make-up days
The District and GAEA will work again tomorrow (Saturday) to continue to reach agreements on the remaining articles. The District appreciates GAEA’s movement and progress toward an agreement today. Throughout the day, both parties engaged in productive discussions during the meetings.
We will update you on tomorrow’s progress as we have more information. We understand this is a major hardship for everyone and we are working hard to settle the contract in its entirety.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
Nov 15 Update
Dear GAPS Families,
As a reminder, there will be no school on Monday, November 18. At this time, the District and GAEA are still mediating towards a contract settlement. We know this is a challenging time for both students and families. Updated information about future school closures will be shared once we know the outcome of the mediation sessions scheduled for this weekend. The teams are still working through Friday night and are scheduled to meet on Saturday and possibly Sunday as needed. We will continue to work hard to settle the contract so students and staff can return to classrooms as soon as possible.
A mediation update describing today’s work and progress will be shared later tonight via ParentSquare and social media.
We look forward to continued collaboration with the GAEA while working towards settling the contract. We want our outstanding teachers and students in schools as soon as possible.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
—————————————-SPANISH VERSION—————————————————
Subject: No hay clases el lunes 18 de noviembre
Estimadas familias de GAPS:
Como recordatorio, no habrá clases el lunes 18 de noviembre. En este momento, el Distrito y GAEA todavía están mediando para llegar a un acuerdo contractual. Sabemos que este es un momento difícil tanto para los estudiantes como para las familias. Se compartirá información actualizada sobre los futuros cierres de escuelas una vez que conozcamos el resultado de las sesiones de mediación programadas para este fin de semana. Los equipos siguen trabajando hasta el viernes por la noche y tienen previsto reunirse el sábado y posiblemente el domingo según sea necesario. Seguiremos trabajando arduamente para resolver el contrato para que los estudiantes y el personal puedan regresar a las aulas lo antes posible.
Más tarde esta noche se compartirá una actualización de la mediación que describe el trabajo y el progreso de hoy a través de ParentSquare y las redes sociales.
Esperamos seguir colaborando con la GAEA mientras trabajamos para cerrar el contrato. Queremos que nuestros excelentes profesores y alumnos vuelvan a las escuelas lo antes posible.
Equipo de negociación de GAPS
Escuelas públicas de Greater Albany 8j
Nov 15 Mediation Update #1
11-15 Mediation update #1 9:00 a.m.
The District is in mediation again today, Friday, November 15.
At the close of the evening session on Wednesday, November 13, the mediator informed the District team that the GAEA team was not willing to negotiate on Thursday. On Wednesday, GAEA had proposed a group of “low priority” articles in a package. The District had responded to five of these items, but did not respond to three items, which had costs associated with them. This was apparently frustrating to GAEA.
After the decision was made, the District clarified the change in the site reservation with the motel and with GAEA. The mediator said she would be in touch with both parties on Thursday by phone or e-mail. On Thursday, the District became aware that GAEA communicated that the District did not come to mediation. The District clearly understood through the mediator that no session was planned.
Regardless of the communications sent out, the District will continue to focus on reaching a contract that works for both teachers and the District. The District spent the entire day and evening yesterday preparing to work on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to do everything possible to reach an agreement. The District will send out an update on progress later today.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
—————————————————–SPANISH VERSION———————————————————
El Distrito está en mediación nuevamente hoy, viernes 15 de noviembre.
Al cierre de la sesión de la tarde del miércoles 13 de noviembre, el mediador informó al equipo del Distrito que el equipo de GAEA no estaba dispuesto a negociar el jueves. El miércoles, GAEA había propuesto un grupo de artículos de “baja prioridad” en un paquete. El Distrito había respondido a cinco de estos artículos, pero no respondió a tres artículos, que tenían costos asociados. Esto aparentemente fue frustrante para GAEA.
Después de que se tomó la decisión, el Distrito aclaró el cambio en la reserva del sitio con el motel y con GAEA. La mediadora dijo que se comunicaría con ambas partes el jueves por teléfono o correo electrónico. El jueves, el Distrito se enteró de que GAEA comunicó que el Distrito no acudió a la mediación. El Distrito entendió claramente a través del mediador que no se había planeado ninguna sesión.
Independientemente de las comunicaciones enviadas, el Distrito seguirá enfocándose en alcanzar un contrato que funcione tanto para los maestros como para el Distrito. El Distrito pasó todo el día y la noche de ayer preparándose para trabajar el viernes, sábado y domingo para hacer todo lo posible para llegar a un acuerdo. El Distrito enviará una actualización sobre el progreso más tarde hoy.
Equipo de negociación de GAPS
Escuelas públicas de Greater Albany 8j
November 13 Mediation Update
Important: We will be closed on Thursday, November 14 and Friday, November 15
Bargaining began at 9:30 AM with the arrival of the state mediator. A status review of the situation occurred with each group. The District submitted two proposals on Monday, November 11, at 2:00 PM and then later at 11:30 PM The District expected to see a comprehensive offer from GAEA this morning.
At approximately 10:45 AM, the mediator presented a concept developed by GAEA to divide proposals into packages regarding their importance. The calculated cost of the item is in parentheses. The packages were prioritized as follows (an asterisk * indicates language with significant costs, although other language items have costs):
Group One: Low Priority
Article 4: Teacher Evaluation
Article 9: Layoff and Recall
Article 10: Association Rights
Article 11: Association Leave*
Articles 14-16: Leaves*
Article 17: Work Year
Article 18: Work Schedule
Article 24: Professional Compensation*
Group Two: Medium Priority
Article 18A: Prep Time*
Article 18B: Special Ed Prep Time*
Article 18D: High School teacher multiple class preps*
Article 25: Professional Development
Article 38: Health and Safety
Group Three: High Priority
Article 18C: Class Size * (See below)
Article 18B: Special Education*
Article 24A: Insurance
B-1 Appendix: Extra Duty
Article 40:
Term of Agreement
At 1:00 PM, GAEA presented proposed language in the following articles:
Article 4 Teacher Evaluations: GAEA is willing to give up the requirement for probationary teacher feedback prior to non-renewal.
Article 10 Association Rights: GAEA willing to give up having additional GAEA members attend the first meeting to discuss an issue, but could come on the second meeting.
Article 11 Association Leave: GAEA asks for the District to pay ⅓ of GAEA President’s salary. Decrease from paying half.
Article 14-16 Leave: GAEA Withdrew two weeks of paid military leave, paid time when Health authority quarantines individual staff.
Article 17 Work Year: Delayed starts individual decision when to report during inclement weather, Dual Immersion per diem for parent conferences.
Article 18 Work Schedule: Travel time is not included in the 30-minute lunch if the educator is not supervising students.
Comp time for staying after contract time for IEP meetings.
Article 24 Professional Compensation: SPED teacher differential moved from 7% to 6.4%.
At 3:18 PM GAEA sent over Article 4, Article 9, Article 10, and Article 11 in regular language format. These articles reflected the above changes. Some differences have occurred between GAEA’s and GAPS’ copies forcing a close review, which is time-consuming.
The District responded with Articles 4, 9, 10, 17, and 18. The District has yet to respond on (Article 11, Article 14-16, and Article 24, as these include a cost of $186,000. This equals approximately .33% of a COLA increase across the base in pay for all teachers. (1% COLA equals $550,000)
Mediation again on Thursday, November 14, 2024
The District and GAEA will meet again on Thursday and will continue to work toward a settlement. We recognize that this is a tremendous hardship for students, their families and the greater community.
Title I schools Class Size “CAP”
A current issue in bargaining relates to class size caps and overage pay. The term “CAP” means that the District cannot exceed the established class size. In Portland, students in a class higher than this cap would require additional compensation to the teacher. GAEA’s offer continues to include payment for class size, although it has not been discussed in the last few mediation meetings.
GAEA Proposed CAP Sizes | Portland Public CAP for Increased Pay |
Pre-K-K 18 | K: 24 |
1st-2nd Gr 20 | 1: 26 |
3rd-5th Gr 22 | 2-3: 26 |
Middle School 25 | 4-5: 28 |
HS Load Load avg. 36 | MS: Formula for total students |
HS: total student, by subject. |
How a hard cap would work: A hard cap means just that: no more students. Our schools typically have two teachers per grade level. Classes are balanced at the school site. For example, Oak Elementary’s first grade classes have 21 and 20. Oak is a Title I School where the language would apply. What would happen with the one extra student? Moving just one student to another grade is out of the question. Similar numbers occur at 2nd and 3rd grade. With a hard cap, Oak would need 2 additional teachers; one to teach a K-1 blend and one to teach a 2-3 blend, in order to keep the class sizes below the CAP. This is about $200,000 in costs plus creates difficult blends. In addition, there are no classrooms available at the school. The lack of classroom space occurs in multiple elementary schools. Across the District, making the costs very prohibitive.
Blended classrooms are challenging. Teachers would have two sets of standards and concepts to teach in one classroom, which creates additional teacher workload. Additionally, most elementary schools do not have the classroom space to accommodate additional teaching staff.
The District believes the proposed Class Size Committee process allows judgment by the people within a school. The building level is where people know the situation and can effectively address solutions. The District has proposed changes to the Class Size Committee process in the school through contractual language and has set aside a fund of $250,000 to be utilized to solve enrollment bulges where they occur.
While no significant progress was made today, there was a willingness from the GAEA to organize priorities and establish a structured work plan. Many articles were exchanged and common ground agreed upon with several articles. We are looking forward to continuing our work tomorrow and settling this contract as soon as possible, while also being good stewards of the District’s finances.
November 13 Parent Notice
GAPS Families,
As a reminder, there will be no school on Thursday, November 14. At this time, the District and GAEA are still meditating towards a contract settlement. We know this is a challenging time for both students and families. Updated information about future school closures will be shared once we know the outcome of today’s mediation session. We will continue to work hard to settle the contract so students and staff can return to classrooms as soon as possible.
A mediation update describing today’s work and progress will be shared later tonight via ParentSquare and social media.
GAPS will continue to deliver meals throughout the District to the locations and times below:

Thank you for your grace and patience as we work through this challenge. We look forward to continued collaboration with the GAEA while working towards settling the contract. We want our outstanding teachers and students in schools as soon as possible.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
No School Wednesday or Thursday
Dear GAPS Families,
There will be no school on Wednesday, November 13 or Thursday, November 14
GAPS understands this is a challenging time for our community and we will continue to work diligently toward a resolution with GAEA to return our students to school as soon as possible.
The next mediation session is scheduled for Wednesday, November 13, and we look forward to working with the GAEA to settle the contract. We will notify families each day by 4:00 pm in order to share the return date for students or if schools will continue to remain closed. As a reminder, even when settled, schools will be closed to students the following day. For this week, if the contract is settled on Wednesday, schools will be closed to students on Thursday, and students will return on Friday.
In order to provide a larger meal service to students and families, sites will be expanded throughout the District beginning Wednesday, November 13 and throughout the teacher’s strike. The expanded food drop off locations and times are given below:

Thank you for your grace and patience as we work through this challenge. We are looking forward to continued collaboration with the GAEA while settling the contract. Our goal is to have our incredible teachers in front of students and teaching our students as quickly as possible.
November 11 Mediation Update
The District developed and checked a new salary proposal in the morning. While this slowed down the presentation of a total offer, the District believed it was necessary to balance gains between early-career teachers and experienced teachers.
At 2:00 p.m., the District presented a “Mediation Total Offer” to GAEA. Both full groups were present in the room. The entire offer is attached. The offer includes:
- Salary movement and the tables are included in the document are revised salary tables. This represents significant movement to adjust the old-style scale the district has used in the past. Greater increases occur for more senior staff. These are the salaries that have been comparatively low.
- A summary of changes to each Article.
- Each Article’s proposed changes.
2:00 PM – GAPS Presents Full Mediation Offer
- Movement on the salary schedule: Work to fix the structure and support on the longevity steps
- 3.5% between all steps, 2.8% across all columns; 5% COLA across all cells
- Extra Duty: 24/25: 2%, 25/26: 2%, 26/27: 1%
- Movement on insurance to $50 increase/year
- Finalized language in all remaining open articles
2:30 PM – GAEA Proposals
- Article 4 Teacher Evaluation: District must offer to move employees needing Plan of Assistance for Improvement in an area they are not endorsed to a different position first.
- Article 17 Work Year: 2 make-up days built in, after 5 missed days a committee will determine next steps/make up collaboratively. Individual staff will assess when it is safe to drive to work. Per diem for dual immersion.
- Article 18 Work Schedules: update to bathroom break coverage
- Article 25 Professional Development: $50 per employee pooled in reimbursement fund. The intent is not to cap teacher learning at 30 hours. Creation of a collaborative committee to assess and plan PD for the year. Removes some PLC and PD days currently on the calendar
Looking forward
The District will continue to work with GAEA through the evening or even the early morning hours. If there are any significant developments, a separate message will be sent out.
As a reminder, there will be no school tomorrow, November 12th.
GAPS Bargaining Team
Greater Albany Public Schools 8j
November 9th Mediation Update
GAEA Optional Proposal Presented on November 7th Evening
The District received a package proposal from GAEA at the close of Mediation on the evening of the 7th. This proposal came under the heading “Alternative Economic Mediation Package 11-7-24.” The package includes a departure from the current salary tables. The COLAs listed for the three-year package were 4% for 24-25, 3% for 25-26, and a minimum of 3% in the final year. Insurance was reduced to 3.5% increases each year, which is roughly equal to the annual increases that the Oregon Educator Benefits Board is allowed. The District appreciates the movement in insurance and the new concepts represented in the salary table.
GAEA 11-7 Offer COLA details:
The COLA of 4% in the first year represents the increase to the base (or beginning salary) only. Steps and columns were readjusted across the table in the GAEA offer. The increases to the top of the table represent some increases above 14%. Due to the number of people at the more senior steps, the total cost increase is approximately $2.86 million above the District’s offer in total for year one.
GAEA’s Outstanding Articles
GAEA informed the District via e-mail at 10:45 am that the following articles remain open. (Some of the articles do not appear on GAEA’s “Reasons to Strike” list.):
- Article 4
- Article 9
- Article 10
- Article 11
- Article 14-16 Leaves merged
- Article 17
- Article 18
- Article 18 A-D (MOU on SLP in 18B)
- Article 24A/Appendix C
- Article 24 with Article 28 (Tosa B-6, Nursing Appendix D, Fact D-1)
- Article 25
- Article 36
- Article 38
- Article 40
- Appendix A
- Appendix B1
- Appendix B4
- MOU: Work Day and Prep Time
- MOU: Work Schedules and Elementary Coverage
10:45 AM – 11:10 AM
- GAEA presented
- Appendix B-4: First Aid Certification
- GAPS presented
- Article 18C: Class Size
- Establishes lower thresholds for class size appeal at Title 1 schools
- Formalizes Elementary class size committee process, timeline and appeals
- Article 18C: Class Size
4:15 p.m. Small group meeting
A small group discussion occurred between the groups. The District responded with a cost analysis of the GAEA Salary Compensation Proposal from Nov 7th. In year one (‘24-’25), the difference between the District offer and GAEA proposal is $2.86 million. In year two, the cost difference is $1.92 million. The District appreciated the movement on insurance by GAEA.
Discussion occurred around Article 9 “Layoff and Recall”. Both sides made movements in separate proposals. Discussion will continue on this article.
GAEA presented a counter for Article 24 “Professional Compensation”. This article addresses specialist positions. GAEA made movement in various areas of Special Ed compensation, TOSA work conditions, Nurses, and FACT Employees.
7:30 p.m. GAEA Response to Class Size language (Small Group)
Moving Forward
Mediation is planned for Monday, November 11th, with the District assuming that the session will last as long as needed to finalize an agreement–even going overnight, if needed. Over the last three sessions (November 4th, 7th and 9th) the District has seen value in the discussions in small groups. Both the District and the GAEA Bargaining Committee have leaned in and listened for understanding. The District will continue to work hard to find a contract that all parties are happy with.
November 8th Update – No School Tuesday 11/12/24
GAPS Families,
As you know, the District received notification from the teacher’s union (GAEA) that a strike has been set for Tuesday, November 12. This notification was received on November 1st. By law, a bargaining unit must provide at least ten days notice prior to the specific strike date to allow the District to plan for the event.
This message is to notify parents that schools will be closed on Tuesday, November 12.
Teachers will be checked out of buildings on Friday, November 8. Even if a settlement occurs during mediation sessions over the weekend, the District will need to reinstate work conditions and systems on the first calendar day following the agreement.
The District will continue to communicate the outcomes from each mediation session planned for Saturday, November 9th, and Monday, November 11th, throughout the weekend. Should a settlement occur, we will notify the community and families, including the specific date students will return to school.
We understand the strike and school closures will be difficult for both parents and students. The District remains committed to working with GAEA through the weekend mediation sessions to reach a settlement agreement. We want to return students to school and teachers to work as soon as possible.
School Closure Meal Sites:
The District will provide meals to all students during the strike. We have a limited distribution plan for Tuesday, November 12 (see below). The number of distribution sites will increase on Wednesday, November 13 and for subsequent days should the strike continue. Our expanded plan (+/- 15 sites) will be sent to you when approved by the Oregon Department of Education. All meals will be distributed with the support of the GAPS Transportation Department.
Day 1 – November 12th
Location Name | Address | Pick up Times |
Boys and Girls Club | 1215 Hill St SE, Albany, OR 97322 | 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM |
YMCA | 3201 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany, OR 97321 | 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM |
Lexington Park | 3000 21st Ave SE, Albany, OR 97322 | 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM |
Timber Linn Park | 900 Price Rd SE, Albany, OR 97322 | 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM |
Swanson Park | 712 SE Jackson St, Albany, OR 97321 | 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM |
The Grove Church | 241 W 1st Ave, Albany, OR 97321 | 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM |
Who can get a meal?
- Parents/guardians, child care providers and children may pick up 1 breakfast and 1 lunch per child each day.
- Children do not have to be present, however, you may be asked to list the children you pick up meals for.
- Any child ages 1- 18 (or older if still receiving services from GAPS schools) may receive a meal. They do not have to be enrolled in a GAPS school or program.
Breakfast and lunch will be given out at the same time.
- Meals will be distributed from GAPS school buses.
- All meals will be a grab-and-go.
- Some lunches will contain foods that require heating before eating.
School Day Activities Options
Two of our community partners will be extending their services to families during the teacher strike. The Boys and Girls Club Albany and the Mid-Willamette YMCA will be providing full-day programming for students beginning Tuesday, November 12. See below for details:
The Boys and Girls Club Albany
- The Boys and Girls Club of Albany will be providing programs and activities for students who are currently registered as members. Program hours will be from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm at the Ron Loney Campus at 1215 Hill St. SE location.
- Parents will need to drop their students off for this service
- Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper will be provided at no charge to student participants.
- All evening athletics will take place as scheduled at their designated locations
The Mid-Willamette Family YMCA
- The Albany YMCA will be providing activities for all K-5 students in the district from 6:30 am to 5:30 pm at YMCA Main Campus located at 3201 Pacific Blvd.
- Transportation will be provided from Oak Grove Elementary School and North Albany Elementary School through GAPS buses. Buses will pick up at 6:30 am and transport students to the YMCA.
- Breakfast and lunch will be provided
- Camps will be on a day-to-day basis. If your student is not currently registered for non-school camps please visit: Non-School Day 24-25 – Mid-Willamette Family YMCA ( Students must be registered before getting onto a bus or being dropped off at the YMCA Main Campus.
- Space is limited so this will be on a first come first served basis
- All evening programming and athletics events will remain on schedule at designated locations
Athletic and Activities Programs
There are several events taking place this weekend (i.e. State Volleyball playoffs, the Veteran’s Day Parade, rehearsal for a musical, etc.) that will continue as planned. District-sponsored activities and athletics are scheduled to continue throughout the duration of the strike. Plans have been made with each program to continue practices, rehearsals, performances, and competitions through the duration of the strike. The coaching staff for our teams and performance groups may look a bit different while teachers are on strike, but we will strive to provide the best possible experience for students and the community as possible.
**This institution is an equal opportunity provider**
November 7 Mediation Update
The GAPS Bargaining Team met early today to review a full mediation package that had been prepared to share with GAEA for the 9:30 start time. The offer included all open articles the GAEA has listed as a priority and were adjusted in ways to meet concerns they have shared in various listening sessions.
The District’s “Mediation Package” was presented to GAEA on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. The contents of the proposal are attached. Please see below for highlights of the package with associated costing where applicable.
- Article 9 Layoff and Recall: The District maintained its language for Layoff and Recall
- Employee Leave: Increased sick leave bank from 500 to 1000 hours, adjusted language specifying individuals who qualify for various leaves, and maintained three personal days.
- Prep Time: The District maintained its language for secondary school prep time.
- Class Size: The District has offered to set up a reserve in the budget of $200,000 to address class size.
- Professional Compensation: On Monday, the District agreed to approximately $200,000 in new costs to place Nurses and FACT employees on the regular certified salary scale and added extra days for TOSA’s and Counselors at each level.
- Special Education: The addition of a committee of District Admin, GAEA representatives, and Special Programs staff will meet three times per year to review processes and procedures for effectiveness and efficiency and to make recommendations for improvement.
- Committee Pay: $42.50 per hour in year one, $47.50 per hour in year two, and $50.00 in year three, equalling $84,970 total cost in year one.
- New Licensed Employees: The District proposed language that included 4 paid days at per diem rate for the new hire induction week. New teachers will also receive $200 towards purchasing materials for their classroom. Approx $24,000 total cost year one for per diem pay.
- Insurance: The District will increase the current base cap for insurance by $50.00 per month to $1,598.21 in year one, by $40.00 per month to 1638.21 in year two, and by $40.00 per month to 1678.21 in year three.
GAEA presented the District with a counter-proposal to Article 9, “Layoff and Recall”.
Afternoon Small Group Meeting
At approximately 4:00 p.m. the District and GAEA met with a small group from each team. The discussion focused on compensation (teacher salary schedule) as well as class size concepts. These are two of the most important issues remaining in the bargaining process. The District appreciated the discussion with the GAEA members present in the room. The conversation was insightful, productive, and we look forward to crafting language to reflect the ideas shared in the room. These changes will be presented during the mediation session scheduled for Saturday, November 9.
Evening work
GAEA presented a counter offer at approximately 8:30 p.m. The District will analyze the offer on Friday. The District and GAEA were able to tentatively agree to article 28 “New Teacher”.
Upcoming Mediation
Mediation is scheduled for Saturday, November 9, and Monday, November 11. The District will be communicating each day with a summary of any progress that has been made.
We want to emphasize that the District keeps in mind the overwhelming negative impacts of a strike and will continue to work to reach an agreement. We regret the concerns and anxiety this process has created. We will continue to work collaboratively with our teachers to find solutions that allow the District to successfully move forward.
November 4 Mediation Update
Financial Impact 11-1-24
Class Size Compensation 10-31-24
Explaining the Budget 10-30-24
Response to Strike Date 10-29-24
Bargaining Update – Articles have been agreed upon 10-26-24
GAEA Declaration of Strike Vote 10-21-24
GAPS’ Best, Final Offer 10-11-24
Declaration of Impasse by GAEA 10-4-24
Salary Comparison 9-27-24
Insurance Comparisons 9-26-24
Bargaining Update 9-13-24
Bargaining Update 9-12-24
Bargaining Update 9-5-24

In February, Greater Albany Public Schools (GAPS) and the licensed employee union, Greater Albany Education Association (GAEA), began negotiations as the union’s 2021-2024 amended contract neared its close. While the district and union continue to negotiate, the two entities continue to operate under the terms of the Licensed Bargaining Agreement. It’s important to note this remains an active contract that the district continues to honor when addressing potential disputes.
GAPS has approximately 600 licensed staff.
GAPS Financial Information
Compensation for GAPS teachers is the district’s first priority. The district has adjusted its budget throughout the last two years to focus on this priority. The document below highlights the district’s current financial information and the plan to build a sustainable budget.
GAEA proposes increases of over $21 million. In order to meet this 16% general fund increase, the district would need to reduce 201.5 teachers in the first year of the 3-year contract.
**As of August 15, 2024, the district has not received any updated proposals that would change this number.
Click here to view the presentation in a pdf.
The District’s Most Recent Offer – Aug 15, 2024
The district prioritizes compensation for all teachers, with an emphasis on improving the longevity step. Please note that the top scale for teachers in the 2024-25 school year is $91,266, which is a daily rate of $477.83 or an hourly rate of $59.72 for a 191-day contract.
Additionally, please note that the top step salary for 2025-26 is $95,384, a daily rate of $499.39 or an hourly rate of $62.42 for a 191-day contract.
Click the image below to see the current proposed salary schedule.
Below is the detailed district’s offer to GAEA. The table highlights the increase in compensation the new contract would provide to teachers over the three years this contract will be in effect.
Salary | Insurance | |
Year 1 (2024-25) | 6.5% increase 7.5% increase Top Step/ Longevity Longevity step added to BA and BA+24 | $1,598/month insurance cap -increase $50/month to $1,648 before pooling (note: 23-24 pooling amount was $1,887/month) Insurance opt-out benefit will increase by $50/month to $575 |
Year 2 (2025-26) | 4.5% increase 5.5% increase Top Step/ Longevity | $40/month increase to cap |
Year 3 (2026-27) | 3-5% increase, based on Western States CPIU 4-6% increase Top Step/ Longevity, based on Western States CPIU | $40/month increase to cap |
Upcoming Meetings – Mediation
On August 15, at the close of the meeting, GAEA informed the district that it intended to request mediation. The district has received confirmation that the request was received at the state and will plan to work with GAEA to participate in the process of mediation. The district supports this step in the process because we believe it will help both parties arrive at common priorities.
Mediation is the next step required by Public Employee Collective Bargaining. Mediators offer a high degree of skill at reaching compromise. The district successfully used mediation with GA-ACE in December of 2023 to reach a conclusion in contract negotiations with the GAPS Classified staff. The process of mediation will not disrupt schools and is a standard process between the two bargaining groups. The procedure is NOT open to the public.
With or without a mediator, the district expresses its commitment to get an agreement with GAPS teachers.