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Red Canoe Credit Union drive collects 1,191 pounds of school supplies

Posted on: August 25, 2016

Thank you to Red Canoe Credit Union for delivering more than a thousand pounds of schools supplies to the District FACT office today. FACT is the District’s Families and Communities Together program, which provides support for families in need.

Supplies were dropped off by (from left) Angie Stempson and Carey Mackey of Red Canoe Credit Union, Erin Hull, Tracie Johnson, and Gene Vey from FACT.

FACT staff is sorting the supplies now and expect to distribute supplies and backpacks to students next week.

Red Canoe staff said they received donations from several community partners, including backpacks from Costco and donations from community members.

“We are not the only ones who give out school supplies,” said Amy Davis, Vice President of Marketing at Red Canoe Credit Union. “A big thank you’s to St. Mary’s and St. Vinnie’s and to Love Inc. as well as the others who offer clothing and supplies. I’m sure there are many others we don’t even know about. We live in a generous community,” she said.

In addition to the school supplies, Red Canoe Credit Union said they will match the pounds of school supplies collected with a check. She estimated that the check would be available next week. It will help support families served by FACT.

“Red Canoe has partnered with us for several years now and we so appreciate them and all those who generously give for kids,” said Jim Haggart from the District. “Oftentimes you can hear the relief in the parents’ voices when they know they have somewhere to go to get help for school supplies.”


Meetings scheduled for October to discuss possible bond projects

Posted on: August 24, 2016

The School Board continues to review facility needs in the District for a possible bond proposal for next spring. A proposal could include projects to upgrade existing schools to address instructional program, safety and deferred maintenance needs and construction of one more new elementary schools to relieve overcrowding and manage growth.

Projections show that District enrollment will continue to grow, and current schools are at capacity. See Gaps anticipates high enrollment in Albany Democrat-Herald.

The last new elementary school constructed in the District was Periwinkle in 1977. See school building age timeline.

In October, the District will host a series of community meetings to gather input about community priorities for new schools, which will help the Board develop a final bond proposal. Superintendent Golden will seek public input on possible projects.

Please join us at one of the following meetings:

10/5: Timber Ridge School
10/12: Oak Grove Elementary School
10/20: West Albany High School
10/26: South Albany High School

The meetings are planned from 6-7:30.p.m.

Clover Ridge principal leads kids in yoga at library program

Posted on: August 18, 2016

This week’s summer library program introduced students to yoga. The weekly reading program combines reading with incentives and special programs.

Principal Elisa Stephens led her students through a variety of poses with names like the Superman and the warrior to introduce them to yoga for fitness and relaxation.

The Clover Ridge summer library program is winding down. The last program on the schedule is next Wednesday at 10 a.m. Students will turn in reading records for prizes and be treated to Steve Peterson’s Magic Show.

Back-to-School Information

Posted on: August 17, 2016

The new school year is around the corner. The Back-to-School Resources page has information to help you get ready.


School start dates vary by grade:

Sept. 6: Grades 1-6, grades 7-8 at Timber Ridge and grade 9
Sept. 7: Grades 7-8 at Calapooia, Memorial and North Albany middle schools and grades 10-12
Sept. 12: Kindergarten

Contact your school for more information.