WAHS student Jakob Jones supports facility improvements at his school. He is promoting a rebuild of West Albany High School to address the numerous facility issues at his school.
West Albany High School is one of the District’s oldest schools. It was built in 1953 and is showing its age. Architects and the community-based District Facility Advisory Committee identified critical facility upgrades, current classroom overcrowding and lack of room for growth, and a facility that does not meet modern educational learning standards.
In addition, the building has had nine major renovations and additions since it was built, resulting in a disjointed school design.
Architects have determined that a multi-phased reconstruction of the school would be more cost effective than additional renovations.
Jakob’s posters show that many classrooms are currently overcrowded.
The School Board is reviewing options for a possible May 2017 bond proposal that could also include new elementary classrooms for current crowding and projected growth, new classrooms for career technical education and improvements to address educational deficiencies and critical facility needs around the District.
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