School started this week for most students, but class doesn’t start for kindergarten students until Sept. 11.
To get ready for the youngest students, kindergarten teachers and school staff are doing one-on-one interviews and initial assessments of each child. The interview is conducted in the classrooms, which helps incoming kindergartners become accustomed to his or her new surroundings.
Tangent Elementary School offers a kindergarten jumpstart for the children as well. On , Sept. 7, half of the kindergarten class will come to school for an abbreviated schedule of several hours where they will meet half of their new classmates and begin learning the classroom routine. On Sept. 8, the other half of the kindergarten class will come to school for a similar program. All students will start school on Sept. 11.
Pictured: New kindergarten student with teacher Sadie Tempel in the kindergarten classroom at Tangent Elementary School.