On Monday, the School Board honored Student All-Stars from Waverly Elementary School for earning the highest scores on the 2016-17 state assessments in language arts, math and science.
The students were introduced by Principal Anne Griffith. Waverly students are:
Erica Hildenbrand, fourth-grade English language arts
Erica loves to read a wide variety of books and willingly shares her understanding of the stories. She is a creative writer who always includes many details.
Takoda Cunningham, fourth-grade math
Takoda perseveres through challenges and looks for new and different ways to solve problems. He looks for and finds patterns and structures in numbers.
Jaelyn Johnson, third-grade English language arts
Jaelyn is an incredibly hard worker who is always focused and determined to understand new concepts and ideas. Jaelyn is a kind friend to everyone.
Caelen Riley, third-grade math
Caelen is a learner who is eager for a challenge and challenges himself. He is always making sense of number systems and is always willing to share his thinking and learning with his classmates.
Not present: Anthony Vestal, fifth-grade science.