On Tuesday, Feb. 13, the award-winning West Albany High School Jazz Band will host a dinner with live jazz music starting at 6:30 p.m. in the West Albany High School café.
The Jazz Bands from Memorial Middle School and North Albany Middle School will make guest appearances. The cost of the plated and served, three-course dinner is $15 per person with all proceeds to benefit the WAHS band program.
The dinner menu features food prepared by Mid Valley Greek Fest chef, Mona Soot, and will include Moroccan Chicken with Carmelized Onions, Green Salad with homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette. Jasmine Rice Pilaf, and Green Beans tossed with Browned Butter and Orange Zest, with Baklava for dessert. The menu items, excluding the dessert, are gluten free.
Tickets are available online, at the West Albany High School office, and at the door. Reservations are requested but not required.
See the flyer. For more information, email monasoot@gmail.com.