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School Board honors Timber Ridge Student All-Stars

Posted on: April 11, 2017

On Monday, the School Board honored Student All-Stars from Timber Ridge School for their motivation, perseverance, growth, and school and community service.

Timber Ridge students are:

Kaimana Caspino (Grade 8)

Kaimana is truly an All Star here at Timber Ridge. She is motivated, inspiring, and a true leader. She is willing to help anyone who needs it, and works tirelessly to make Timber Ridge a better place. We are also extremely proud of Kaimana, great job!

Nakyah Rethlefsen (Grade 8)

Nakyah definitely deserves to be an All Star. She is a hard worker who has persevered through many challenges. She continues to be a top producer and learner while showing her classmates what it takes to be successful. She is a leader in the classroom academically and behaviorally. We are really proud of Nakyah!

Finley Brinson (Grade 5)

Finley consistently displays an unlimited amount of effort, no matter what the situation. She navigates through difficult academic and social tasks with strength and grace. Her kindness and willingness to help others that may be struggling is inspiring!  

Sam Hoggard (Grade 5)

Sam is an all star because of his incredible focus on school. Although learning comes easily for Sam, he does not let that be an excuse for doing the minimum. He is always listening, focusing, asking questions and volunteering his ideas. He is willing to persevere through tasks, even when he is struggling. Sam lets difficult tasks be a platform for improved understanding and personal growth. He also has a passion for sharing his thinking with others and wants to be sure that others understand his perspective; if he sees that other students don’t understand him, he will explore new avenues of explanation. He is a model of what an engaged, focused team-player should be.



School Board honors Clover Ridge Student All-Stars

Posted on: April 11, 2017

On Monday, the School Board honored Student All-Stars from Clover Ridge Elementary School for their motivation, perseverance, growth, and school and community service.

Clover Ridge students are:

Grace Reynders

Grace Reynders is a very conscientious 2nd grader. She listens to her teachers and follows their directions perfectly. She is more than willing to help others and often asks if there are jobs she might do to help the teachers out as well. Grace is mindful of what is necessary to have a class that is always learning and does her best to honor our learning environment. It’s a joy to look at Grace’s papers as she so often leaves her teachers sweet notes of appreciation. Thank you Grace!

Keagan Hackstedt

Keagan is a Clover Ridge All Star. When there are distractions around him, he remains focused on his work and perseveres in his learning and demonstrating great effort. Keagan is eager to learn new things, especially in math! Clover Ridge wants to thank you for being such a good role model!

Support high school robotics. Vote for SWARM video submission

Posted on: April 10, 2017

The South and West Albany Robotics team, SWARM, is in the running to win a cash prize in the Dow Corps video competition to answer this question: “In what ways do you see robots and technology shaping your future?”

The winning entries will be based on the number of votes they receive. Support your local team. Vote for SWARM every day until April 16.

Tangent student art on display at District Office

Posted on: April 10, 2017

Mrs. Nelson’s first-grade class at Tangent Elementary School combined art and history lessons in a recent project. The artwork was part of the art history curriculum in which students studied the work of Baroque artists, including the Rembrandt.

Students were given half of a face and were asked to re-create the image on the other side. Some art is featured here. Stop by the District Office to see more!