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Come hear a bond update at May 2 community meeting

Posted on: May 1, 2018

Work will start soon on bond-funded projects around the district. Come to a community meeting in May to learn about the plans.

May 2: West Albany High School
May 23: South Albany High School

Both meetings will start at 7 p.m.

¿Usted está invitado!

Team SWARM wins second place honors at Worlds Competition

Posted on: April 30, 2018

Congratulations to Team SWARM, the high school robotics team from South Albany and West Albany high schools. During its first international Lego Robotics competition, the team won second place in a division finals competition.

The team earned the right to compete at the World Championship events by earning high scores at competitions at the regional and state levels earlier in the year.

Read the story in the Democrat-Herald.

SWARM team leader Robin Hobbensiefken shared the team experience in an email to supporters:

From Wednesday through Saturday last week, SWARM competed in Houston Texas in the FRC World Championships. 404 FRC teams traveled to Worlds and were split into 6 divisions. We were placed in arguably the most difficult division, Hopper.


We had some amazing games and performed very well. In the end we ranked 17th out of the 68 teams in our division. During alliance selection, we were picked to be on the number 3 alliance comprised of BumbleB from Israel, the Ratchet Rockers from Missouri and Walton Robotics from Georgia. Our alliance won the quarter final matches 2 – 1 and won 2-0 in the semi finals.


In the finals for Hopper field, our alliance played against the number 1 alliance of the Cheesy Poofs, Robowranglers, Spartabots and Ha-Dream Team. The Cheesy Poofs went undefeated all season this year. They have an absolutely amazing robot. They were able to beat our alliance 2 – 0 in the finals. After winning our division, the moved on and proceeded to win every match in the round robin play for Einstein finals qualification matches and went on to win the World Championships 2 – 0 in the finals.

We assembled a playlist with all of our matches from the World Championships.


From all of the students and mentors from SWARM, we want to thank you once more for helping out our team! We had an amazing season and a lot of fun. We really appreciate all that you have done for us!

Robin Hobbensiefken, Team 957 SWARM Lead Mentor


South Shore gets volunteer help on Comcast Cares Day

Posted on: April 29, 2018

South Shore Elementary School benefited from a helping hand on Comcast Cares Day on April 21. Dozens of volunteers helped spruce up the playground, gym and the school grounds.

The 17th annual event supports community projects by sending volunteers into the community. Comcast estimates that volunteers assisted with more than 1,000 projects in communities around the country.

See more photos from Comcast Cares Day at South Shore.

SAHS senior wins writing contest awards

Posted on: April 27, 2018

Congratulations to South Albany High School senior Alexsis Kerekes for winning prizes in the Youth Voices of Diversity contest, sponsored by the Corvallis Area NAACP chapter.

Alexis submitted an essay and a poem and won second place for each, winning $300 for the essay and $100 for the poem.

The School Board honored her for the award at its April 23 meeting.

2018-19 Registration Information

Posted on: April 26, 2018

Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, Greater Albany Public Schools will use online services for the following:

  • Student Registration
  • Free and Reduced Meal application

Information flyers have been sent home or e-mailed to the parent/guardian.  These flyers have important information parents need to know about online registration and applying for Free and Reduced Meals for the 2018-19 school year.

At the end of the school year, very important information will be sent home with student report cards.  If you do not receive this information with your student’s report card, contact the school before staff leave for summer break.

See the Online Registration page for the parent information flyers and additional information.

For updates on registration dates and times, school supply lists, start and stop times and school calendar, see our School Resources page.

Información para las inscripciones del año escolar de 2018-19

Empezando en el año escolar 2018-19, las Escuelas Públicas de Greater Albany usarán los servicios en Internet para lo siguiente:

  •         Inscripción estudiantil
  •         Solicitud para comidas gratis y de precio reducido

Volantes informativos han sido enviados a la casa o enviados por correo electrónico a los padres/apoderado. Estos volantes, contienen información importante que los padres necesitan saber sobre las inscripciones en internet y cómo presentar una solicitud para comidas gratis y a precio reducido para el año escolar 2018-19.

Al final del año escolar, información muy importante será enviada a la casa con las boletas de calificaciones. Si no recibe esta información con la boleta de calificaciones de su estudiante, contacte a la escuela antes de que el personal salga por las vacaciones de verano.

Vea la página Online Registration (inscripciones en internet) para ver los volantes informativos para los padres e información adicional.

Para actualizaciones de las fechas y los horarios de las inscripciones, listas de útiles escolares, horarios de inicio y salida, y el calendario escolar, vea nuestra página School Resources (recursos escolares).