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First of two SAHS Cafeteria open houses is Sept. 7

Posted on: September 7, 2016

Tonight is the first of two open houses for the new South Albany Cafeteria. The building will be open for self-guided tours tonight from 6-7:30 p.m.

On Saturday, Sept. 24, a second open house event is planned from 10-11:30 a.m. This event will also include recognition of donors to the Albany Public Schools Foundation South Albany High School Fire Fund.

Area leaders, including local legislators, have been invited to the event on Sept. 24. Both events are open to the public.

Periwinkle fifth-grade students start school in library

Posted on: September 6, 2016

More than 60 fifth-grade students took over the school library at Periwinkle Elementary School this week. The students will use the temporary classroom space until the new modular classrooms are ready in mid-September.

The students from Kristyn Kohler’s (pictured, right) and Mercedes Strowbridge’s classrooms will share the library space and learn as a group until they split up during the move to the new classrooms.

The new classroom space is being added at the school because of high enrollment growth in the attendance area.

Sixth graders learn about their jobs as middle school students

Posted on: September 6, 2016

Sixth-grade students made the leap today from elementary to secondary school. Calapooia, Memorial and North Albany middle school sixth-graders had their schools to themselves for the day. Seventh- and eighth-grade students begin tomorrow.

In addition to learning new schedules and locker combinations, students at Memorial Middle School also learned what they would accomplish as middle school students.

In an all-school assembly to kick off the school year, Principal Ken Gilbert asked students what they thought their jobs were in middle school. Students responded that they were there to work hard, show up on time, listen to teachers and learn.

Gilbert said all of that was true, but their job was bigger than that. “Your job over the next three years at Memorial Middle School is to get prepared for high school and for your future after high school,” he said. “You are preparing for seven years from now when you will enter college or other training.”

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SMART volunteer readers needed

Posted on: September 1, 2016

The Start Making a Reader Today (SMART) program needs volunteer readers for the early childhood reading program at Central, Sunrise, Takena and Waverly elementary schools this year.

The SMART program brings volunteers into schools to read to students in kindergarten through third grade for an hour each week from October to May.

The program is organized in GAPS schools by Christi Clark of Get SMART Oregon. She said they are seeking about 20 volunteers to read at Waverly and more than 100 volunteers total for the four GAPS schools.

SMART supports reading as a vital foundation for educational and life success. “Reading to kids gets them school-ready,” said Clark. She said building reading skills is especially important in the early grades. “First they learn to read. After grade three, they read to learn,” she said.

To volunteer, contact Christi Clark for information: or 541-753-0822.

New classrooms at Periwinkle will make space for higher enrollment

Posted on: September 1, 2016

This week, workers placed a five-section, four-classroom modular building at Periwinkle Elementary School. The new classrooms will make room for student enrollment growth that has exceeded classroom capacity at the school.

The classrooms, which will house fifth-grade students, will be ready after school starts. Two classes are scheduled to occupy the space. They will meet in the school library until the new classrooms are ready. The projected completion date is the second week of school.

The remaining work includes connecting internet, electricity, water and sewer and finishing the roof, heating and ventilation systems.