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School Board honors Liberty Elementary Student All Stars

Posted on: December 13, 2017

On Monday, the School Board honored Student All-Stars from Liberty Elementary School for earning the highest scores on the 2016-17 state assessments in language arts, math and science.

The students were introduced by Principal Tracy Day. Liberty students are:

Sam Howard, fifth-grade English language arts; Calista Cwmcwlamare, fourth-grade English language arts; Amelia Kidd, third-grade English language arts; Porter Rose, fifth-grade math and science; Wyatt Morse, fourth-grade math; and Liam Finley, third-grade math.

School Board honors Central Elementary Student All Stars

Posted on: December 13, 2017

On Monday, the School Board honored Student All-Stars from Central Elementary School for earning the highest scores on the 2016-17 state assessments in language arts, math and science.

The students were introduced by Principal Lisa Shogren. Central students are (from left): Eli Geist, fifth-grade science; Morgan Glenn, third-grade English language arts and math; Helen Whiteside, fourth-grade English language arts and math.

Not attending: Henry Catlin, fifth-grade math; Augusta Peppers, fifth-grade English language arts



School Board honors Waverly Elementary Student All Stars

Posted on: December 13, 2017

On Monday, the School Board honored Student All-Stars from Waverly Elementary School for earning the highest scores on the 2016-17 state assessments in language arts, math and science.

The students were introduced by Principal Anne Griffith. Waverly students are:

Erica Hildenbrand, fourth-grade English language arts
Erica loves to read a wide variety of books and willingly shares her understanding of the stories. She is a creative writer who always includes many details.

Takoda Cunningham, fourth-grade math
Takoda perseveres through challenges and looks for new and different ways to solve problems. He looks for and finds patterns and structures in numbers.

Jaelyn Johnson, third-grade English language arts
Jaelyn is an incredibly hard worker who is always focused and determined to understand new concepts and ideas. Jaelyn is a kind friend to everyone.

Caelen Riley, third-grade math
Caelen is a learner who is eager for a challenge and challenges himself. He is always making sense of number systems and is always willing to share his thinking and learning with his classmates.

Not present: Anthony Vestal, fifth-grade science.

GAPS dual language programs build Spanish skills

Posted on: December 12, 2017

A dual language program was established in 2009 at South Shore Elementary School to teach students in English and Spanish. The program was recommended after a six-month committee process to determine the best options for Spanish-speaking students.

Since then, it has grown from two kindergarten classrooms and a first-grade class to a whole-school program that benefits both native Spanish speakers who are learning English and native English speakers who are learning Spanish.

Read more about the program in the Democrat-Herald.

Lafayette honor choir opens School Board meeting

Posted on: December 12, 2017

Last night’s School Board meeting included a special performance by the Lafayette Elementary School honor choir. They opened the meeting with two songs from their holiday line-up.

The honor choir is audition-based and made up of fourth and fifth graders. It is led by music teacher Teresa Buckley. Last night’s performance was directed by music assistant Marissa Johnston.

Lafayette Honors Choir singing.

Members of the Lafayette Honors Choir playing instruments.