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The Staff At AOS Ask “Why Not?”

Posted on: October 10, 2018

Albany Options School (AOS) is dedicated to providing students with a smaller learning environment, social and emotional stability, support, and a variety of programs and opportunities for students to meet their educational goals. In other words, AOS is all about asking “Why Not?” Why not get good grades? Why not graduate? Why not go to college or trade school? Why not achieve your dreams? They even created a short video exploring these and other Why Not questions:

El personal de AOS se pregunta:

“¿Por qué no?”

Publicado el: 10 de octubre del 2018

Albany Options School (AOS) está dedicado a proporcionar a los estudiantes un entorno de aprendizaje más pequeño, estabilidad social y emocional, apoyo y una variedad de programas y oportunidades para que los estudiantes alcancen sus objetivos educativos. En otras palabras, AOS se trata de preguntar “¿Por qué no?” ¿Por qué no obtener buenas calificaciones? ¿Por qué no graduarse? ¿Por qué no ir a la universidad o la escuela de carreras técnicas? ¿Por qué no lograr tus sueños? Incluso crearon un video corto que explora estas y otras preguntas de ¿Por qué no?:


Posted on: October 3, 2018

South Albany High School’s new mascot made his debut at the South-West Football Game.  Welcome to town Rowdy!

Waverly teacher Melissa Straughan wins Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching

Posted on: June 29, 2018

Congratulations to Waverly Elementary School teacher Melissa Straughan, recipient of a Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).

The award is one of the highest honors a teacher can receive. Straughan was nominated for the award by Diane Stone, a consultant for Teacher’s Development Group who helped with the implementation of Math Studio, a district math program. She is the math recipient and one of only two recipients from Oregon.

The following description is from the PAEMST website:

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching is the highest recognition that a kindergarten through 12th grade mathematics or science (including computer science) teacher may receive for outstanding teaching in the United States. Up to 108 teachers are recognized each year.

Presidential Awardees receive a certificate signed by the President of the United States, a trip to Washington D.C. to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities, and a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation.

Straughan recently joined other K-6 teacher recipients from around the country at an awards ceremony in Washington, D.C. She credits the support of the district and the math curriculum adopted by the School Board.

“I wouldn’t be where I am today without Math Studio and all the support from Diane Stone and my principal, Anne Griffith. Thank you for opening these doors for our district and supporting such incredible work.”

Summer Work: Middle School Career Technical Education Projects

Posted on: June 27, 2018

The voter-approved bond plan includes projects to add career technical education classrooms to all middle schools and high schools.

Work has started at Calapooia Middle School and Timber Ridge School to convert existing classrooms into spaces that can be used for Career Technical Education, CTE, Programs.

This construction will be finished by fall. The spaces are designed to support a variety of career-based curriculum. A work group has been meeting to determine the district’s goals for career education and help shape a plan for secondary students. Workgroup participants include local manufacturing employers.

Read more about the CTE planning process and see the architectural drawings for each school.

Timber Ridge holds end-of-year Special Olympics event

Posted on: June 22, 2018

Timber Ridge sent a delegation to the Greater Albany Special Olympics track meet at the end of this school year. The team wore specially printed shirts for the competition.

Twelve students from Jennifer Cyrus’ 3-5 grade foundational skills class participated in the event at South Albany High School on May 30. The event is coordinated by Rosie Zupan, PE teacher at North Albany Elementary School.

Each student participated in a softball throw a long jump and one running event (400 meters, 100 yd, 50 yd, or 25 yd).

The annual track meet draws schools from around the district and from other mid-valley schools.