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Student All-Stars: Memorial Middle School

Posted on: May 10, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Memorial Middle School All-Stars are: 

Danielle Hernandez

Danielle has been an amazing leader and volunteer for our Green Team. She has helped organize and run our school cleanups, works on the recycling and reusing program, and has volunteered to be an advocate at school board meetings and a city council meeting for better environmental practices.

Sequoia Farnsworth

Sequoia has been a godsend for our garden program. He has volunteered many hours with back-breaking work to help harvest the crop to be put in the school lunches, has fixed broken items, and built many nice planter boxes. He is always ready to go, rain or shine, with a smile on his face.

Student All-Stars: Clover Ridge Elementary School

Posted on: May 10, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Clover Ridge Elementary School All-Stars are: 

Ava Foster

Ava Foster is an outstanding citizen at Clover Ridge. She is a kind and honest student and always treats people and property with respect. She sets an example for all with her strength of character and personal responsibility as she consistently follows the school rules. Ava shows the courage to make the right choices and is willing to help others whenever needed. Ava is an excellent listener and always tries her best. She has a positive attitude toward classmates and staff and definitely makes our community a better place.

Ethan Jacobs

Ethan has such a positive attitude.  He is dedicated and works hard in all academic areas. He completes assignments in a timely manner and with great accuracy.  Ethan is willing to put in extra time and effort when required and is willing to work with others.  Ethan never seems to stop learning. When one task is complete, he finds another opportunity to continue learning.  He not only shows a growth mindset, but is also an outstanding citizen.

Student All-Stars: Periwinkle Elementary School

Posted on: May 10, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Periwinkle Elementary School All-Stars are: 


Riley Galusha

Riley Galusha is a kind, respectful and hard working student. She is a good friend to her peers, and is helpful to any adult she encounters. Riley likes to learn and asks thought probing questions in her work. She is an active participant in class and cares about our classroom community. Riley is truly an outstanding classroom citizen.

Jaiden Jaquez (not present)

Jaiden Jaquez is a strong leader who is always willing to help others. She easily steps in to help her peers as well as adults. She is amazing at reading others’ emotions and always willing to take care of others to make sure they are safe and respected.

Student All-Stars: Central and Takena Elementary Schools

Posted on: May 10, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Central and Takena Elementary School All-Stars are: 

Jamie VanDuesen

Jamie stands out as someone who demonstrates leadership, integrity, kindness and responsibility every day in her classroom. Not only is she engaged in her school lessons, but she actively seeks to understand more and shows discipline when learning a new skill.  Outside of school, Jamie works hard in her extracurricular activities including her participation in the Memorial Middle School Band, swim team, gymnastics and dance.

Brycen Joy

Brycen Joy has a heart of gold. He is a kind and courteous person. Brycen is always willing to work cooperatively and strives for personal best. He is a great role model!

Makenna Hampl

Makenna is an amazing second grader! This girl has perseverance!  If a task is difficult she doesn’t get frustrated, she just gets to work!  Makenna is also incredibly kind.  She will jump at the chance to help and offer assistance.  We are incredibly blessed to have such a great role model at Takena Elementary School!

Cole Renardo

Cole is a responsible, quiet leader who leads by his impeccable behavior. Never being absent himself, he helps the teacher by keeping track of work for students who are absent. He serves on the leadership team at the Boys and Girls Club.

Student All-Stars: Timber Ridge School

Posted on: May 9, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Timber Ridge School All-Stars are: 

Nolan Lawson

Nolan is a student who puts forth maximum effort with both academics and behavior. He works well with others and kindly encourages them to do their best . Nolan has been highly involved in leadership and drama this year, where he has volunteered countless hours for the success of both programs.

Aaliyah Ware

Aaliyah is a student who always pushes herself to do her best in both academics and behavior.  She gets along well with others and encourages them to do their best in academics and behavior as well. Aaliyah has been highly involved in leadership and drama this year, where she has volunteered countless hours for the success of both programs.


Hannah Logan

I would like to nominate Hannah Logan as a fifth-grade candidate. Hannah is one of the kindest students I have ever had the pleasure of teaching. She is always the first to volunteer to help new students, she never complains in class about any assignment and gives her best effort to all she tries. She was involved in drama, she is in choir and she has helped Mrs. Brunson with some of the drama fundraisers.

Daniella Quiroga

Dani consistently stands out as an exemplary student in all areas. She has made tremendous academic growth this year due to her incredible work ethic. Even when something is hard, she gives it her very best effort, never getting discouraged.  She is very dedicated to her studies. She is a role model to her peers as she treats everyone around her with kindness and respect. We can always count on Dani to help others when they need it, both academically and socially. The world would be a brighter place with more people like Dani in it. We have been honored to get to know her this year.