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Student All-Stars: Albany Options School

Posted on: May 9, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Albany Options All-Stars are: 

Juan Ortiz-Cortez

Juan is a quiet leader in our building. He excels academically, works hard, is always kind, volunteers, and is college bound. He won the art contest at the Cesar Chavez Leadership Conference last year, and his design was used for the t-shirt designs this year!

Laurel Elliot

Laurel is a leader in our school and community. She volunteers regularly both in and out of school, earns high grades, and is a member of Leadership at AOS.

Student All-Stars: Tangent Elementary School

Posted on: May 9, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Tangent Elementary School All-Stars are: 

Waylon Summit

Waylon is in fifth grade and is also on the leadership team. He is always the first one to ask if he can help. He helps the younger kids get to their bus at the end of the day. He is usually the first one to volunteer to go in front of the school and lead the pledge of allegiance. He volunteers in the library to help Mrs. Herrera shelve books. He is an amazing citizen around our school.

Keely Baker (not present)

Keely is a fifth grader. She helps the younger students at the end of the day get to their bus. She also takes notes at the end of the day to every classroom. She is currently on the leadership team, and does a great job at coming up with new ideas. At any time of the day, no matter what, I can ask her for help delivering something or help passing something out and she always is down to help. She volunteers to help Mrs. Herrera shelve books in the library. She is an outstanding citizen around our school.


Student All-Stars: North Albany Middle School

Posted on: May 9, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

North Albany Middle School All-Stars are: 

Grace Nealy

G- Gives all of her effort on EVERYTHING she does. I have never seen her not try her absolute hardest in ALL areas of school, sports, drama, etc.

R- Radiates positivity and joy. Her bright smile in the morning always makes her teachers and classmates have a more wonderful day by just being in the same room.

A-  Academic Excellence: she has no weakness- I think she may be an undercover superhero.

C- Creativity that is effortless. She thinks concretely and abstractly, performs in the drama productions, MC of the talent show, and her academic work always exhibits out of the box thinking and questions.

E- Excellence in all aspects of life. Not only does she win the award for most fashionable in the 8th grade, but she also excels in competitive volleyball and gives much her time to her team, which she balances between perfect grades and citizenship.

Selena Diviney

G is for green. Everyday Selena is head to toe in her favorite color and she never strays. That self confidence is unique in the middle school and her teachers applaud Selena for being true to who she is.

R Resourceful. Selena uses what is around her to make the best decision possible.

E Everything. Selena is good at everything. She excels at science and math but is an incredible artist. She wants to go to culinary school but the truth is she could be anything she wants.  She is an avid reader and goes through books faster than I can recommend them.

E Excellence. Selena never does work for just the sake of doing it. She puts 100% into everything she does and goes the extra distance. She never settles, she refuses to let those around her settle.

N nice. Selena is kind to everyone with no exceptions. She has a witty and fun sense of humor that is a delight to hear.

Student All-Stars: South Shore Elementary School

Posted on: May 9, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

South Shore Elementary School All-Stars are: 

Destiny Kites

Destiny has been a wonderful friend to so many classmates this year. She has taken on challenges and helped students adjust to new situations. She has grown and blossomed into a confident, hard-working student. We are all so proud of her social/emotional and academic growth!  She is a student who works harder to get smarter everyday!

Yahir Tenorio

Yahir is a model student in both Spanish and English. He is a role model for other students and has helped welcome new students to our school. He often interprets from English to Spanish for students in class who are learning Spanish. Yahir is a perfect example of a bilingual student who will do great things in middle school.

Student All-Stars: Sunrise Elementary School

Posted on: May 9, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Sunrise Elementary School All-Stars are: 

Eliseo Ortiz-Cortez

Eliseo Ortiz-Cortez is an exemplary student in character and perseverance. He is always  joyful, and never gives up on his schoolwork.

Cassie Bartlett

Cassie Bartlett is an outstanding student in effort and in character. She is an excellent friend to her classmates and perseveres to solve any challenge she comes across.