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Bond planning includes community input. Tell us what you think.

Posted on: October 26, 2016

The School Board hosted four community meeting this month to share information about the status of planning for a potential bond measure next May.

The District is still reviewing needs and gathering information, but the list of identified improvements includes many critical facility upgrades, new classrooms to address current enrollment and projected growth, and adding or renovating classrooms to improve learning space.

Learn more about bond planning. The following materials were shared at the community meetings:

High school projects:

What do you think?

Complete the questionnaire and return it to any school or the District office, 718 Seventh Avenue SW, Albany, OR 97321.

Questionnaire about possible projects

Student All-Stars earned top state test scores in 2015-16

Posted on: October 25, 2016

On Monday, the School Board honored Student All-Stars from Memorial and Calapooia middle schools for earning the highest scores on the 2015-16 state assessments in reading, math and science.

Memorial students (pictured from left) are Kaya Chipman, eighth-grade science; Hannah Thorp, eighth-grade language arts and mathematics; Kenzie Harris, seventh-grade language arts and mathematics; Jackson Moyes, sixth-grade language arts; and Dru Huddleston, sixth-grade mathematics.

Calapooia Middle School (pictured from left) are Katelyn Haury, sixth-grade language arts; Sara Remple, sixth-grade math; Liliana Sanders, eighth-grade language arts; Sariah Young, eighth-grade math; and Logan Nord, eighth-grade science. Zachery Patten, seventh-grade math, was unable to attend.

School Board honors Oak Elementary student for reporting potential weapon

Posted on: October 24, 2016

This week, the School Board recognized the responsible behavior of Ryder Robinson, an Oak Elementary School student who found and reported a replica handgun that he found on the playground.

At the time, he did not know if the gun was real, but he knew he should not touch it and he should tell an adult about it.

He attended the School Board meeting to accept his award and shake hands with Superintendent Jim Golden and all School Board Directors.

His certificate reads as follows:

The Greater Albany School Board Takes pleasure in commending Ryder Robinson, Oak Elementary School

On October 17, 2016, at Oak Elementary School, Ryder noticed what appeared to be a handgun lying on the playground. He did not touch the object and instead told a responsible adult. A police officer arrived quickly and took custody of the item which was later identified a realistic looking replica. Although not a real weapon, Ryder’s conscientious actions contributed to the safety of the students and staff of Oak Elementary School.

Lions Club conducts elementary school visions screening

Posted on: October 24, 2016

Last week, the East Albany Lions Club conducted a vision screening of all elementary students. Pictured below are students at Tangent Elementary School.

With parent permission, students simply sit for eye measurements taken with a device that is similar in appearance to a camera or a pair of binoculars. The screening is fast and simple and does not require students to read eye charts or look into complicated vision machines. The procedure is so quick that four Lions Club members using four devices can examine an entire class in just 10 minutes.

Results are later shared with families. The Lions Club can help needy families obtain eyeglasses if necessary.

Liberty Fitness Fridays: Promoting health and improving academics

Posted on: October 24, 2016

Liberty Elementary School has a new Fitness Friday program to model good health habits and encourage academic improvements. One Friday each month, students and staff will wear their workout clothes to school and take regular activity “brain” breaks.

The idea came from new PE teacher Laura Bates who saw a similar program at her previous school. In addition to modeling healthy activity by wearing their exercise clothes and sharing how they stay fit, teachers will lead students in breaks that include taking a walk, running a lap, or doing some classroom jumping jacks.

“Kids need movement for processing information,” Bates said. “We get more bang for our buck if we give kids time to move.”

Third-grade teacher Kristi Marshall, who led her students in a dance video called “Banana, Banana, Meatball,” said her students love Fitness Friday. “It’s good for all of us.”