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Clover Ridge principal leads kids in yoga at library program

Posted on: August 18, 2016

This week’s summer library program introduced students to yoga. The weekly reading program combines reading with incentives and special programs.

Principal Elisa Stephens led her students through a variety of poses with names like the Superman and the warrior to introduce them to yoga for fitness and relaxation.

The Clover Ridge summer library program is winding down. The last program on the schedule is next Wednesday at 10 a.m. Students will turn in reading records for prizes and be treated to Steve Peterson’s Magic Show.

Back-to-School Information

Posted on: August 17, 2016

The new school year is around the corner. The Back-to-School Resources page has information to help you get ready.


School start dates vary by grade:

Sept. 6: Grades 1-6, grades 7-8 at Timber Ridge and grade 9
Sept. 7: Grades 7-8 at Calapooia, Memorial and North Albany middle schools and grades 10-12
Sept. 12: Kindergarten

Contact your school for more information. 

Water Testing Update

Posted on: August 12, 2016

Greater Albany Public Schools voluntarily tested all drinking and food preparation water fixtures for lead in all schools this summer. More than 500 samples were taken. Test results for all schools will be published here when they are available.

Early results showed elevated lead levels in three fixtures at Periwinkle Elementary School and five fixtures at Waverly Elementary School. Repairs were made and the fixtures will be retested.

Read more about water testing in GAPS schools and find resources about lead on the water testing information page.

Boys and Girls Club After-School Program starts on Sept. 19

Posted on: August 10, 2016

Attention parents: The Boys and Girls Club of Albany will again provide an after-school program for all students in GAPS schools. Busing is available from all elementary schools.

This program will start on Sept. 19.

Watch their website for important dates and more information.

Photo from Boys & Girls Club of Albany.

Clover Ridge summer library program keeps students busy over break

Posted on: August 3, 2016

The weekly summer library program at Clover Ridge Elementary School featured athletes from South Albany High School. About two dozen high school students representing 10 school and club sports shared their skills and some lessons they’ve learned in their hours of practice and competition.

The program was organized by Clover Ridge teacher Sandra McMinds, who has a long history at the school as an instructional assistant, library/media teacher and now classroom teacher.

McMinds said the summer library program was started many years ago by another teacher. She took over planning responsibilities when she first came to the school, but there was a gap of a few years when she transferred to another school.

It is modeled after the public library summer reading program but is more accessible for families in the rural Clover Ridge area. “Our goal is to get books in the hands of kids and have fun family activities,” she said.

Today, the SAHS students shared their skills with students on the playfields. Elementary students rotated through basketball, baseball, football, track and soccer stations.

Before they went outside, McMinds asked the older students to answer a few questions. A few responses are below:

What does it take to be a student athlete?

“Focus on education, especially if you want to play in college.”
“Work hard if you want to be the best you can.”
“Start playing early.”

What are some good memories of your experience playing your sport?

“Eight of us were on the same club soccer team. We’re like a family. Having that on the high school team helps.”
“Waking up early for football practice is hard, but I remember how much I want to be the best I can.”
“Being district champions. It was a goal we had, and we worked hard to achieve it.”
“Riding the bus after a win. You always have fun after a win.”