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Student All-Stars: Liberty Elementary School

Posted on: May 14, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Liberty Elementary School All-Stars are: 

Baylee Whitney

Baylee is a leader around Liberty and is on our fifth-grade leadership team. She is very kind and helpful with all her classmates. Baylee loves basketball and plays on a YMCA team and she plays some volleyball. Her favorite subjects in school are art and writing, and she loves to write stories outside of school. She is a very responsible and hard worker in the classroom.

Charlie Frank

Charlie Frank is a kind and thoughtful student. He always gives his best effort in all of his school work, while having a positive attitude and encouraging his classmates. Charlie sings in the Liberty Singers choir group after school. Charlie’s grandfather has MS and struggles getting around, so Charlie goes to his house every day after school and helps with daily chores like getting the mail, taking out the trash, and changing sheets. Charlie Frank is a special individual who makes his class, his school, and his community a better place.

Student All-Stars: Oak Elementary School

Posted on: May 14, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Oak Elementary School All-Stars are: 

Emma Blagg

Emma is kind, caring, and compassionate. She treats others with respect at all times. Emma models exceptional student behavior, giving the speaker her full attention and never talking over another student. She takes care of her area in the classroom and helps others when needed. She was a part of the Community Service club during the first part of the year and would have continued with it if it had been allowed. She is always thinking of others first. I truly appreciate all of the wonderful qualities Emma possesses. She is an amazing human being!

Samara Dempsey

Samara is fully deserving of the All-Star award for the 2017-18 school year. This young lady possesses every quality teachers look for in a student. Samara is respectful to anyone and everyone she comes into contact with. I can always count on her to be honest, kind, and a good listener. Samara strives to make the most out of everyday. She greets each subject with a persevering charge, and helps motivate those around her.  Samara makes sure to be inclusive to ALL, not just to her peers that act or speak like her. She makes sure to thank her teacher after each instructional period. What a true star you are, Samara.


Student All-Stars: South Albany High School

Posted on: May 14, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

The All-Star Students from South Albany High School are:

Carina Torres-Aranda

Carina is quietly involved in a significant number of service projects and organizations on our campus and in the community. She spends countless hours before school, after school, and on weekends working hard to help others and to help students make connections in our school. She is involved with Key Club, MeCha, Leadership, and many other clubs and organizations in our school. Carina is quiet and very often working behind the scenes to promote our school and other students. She exemplifies the concept of a servant leader.

Ashlee Nunez

Ashlee is the perfect example of what we hope to see in our young people as citizens. She has incredible personal character and exemplifies how we should all treat each other. She is humble and kind. She gives to others without thought. She shares her talents and gifts, and helps others feel good about themselves. She has given back to our school in a ton of ways, and isn’t showy about any of them.

Thank you, GAPS Teachers!

Posted on: May 11, 2018

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, celebrated in districts around the country as a chance to recognize the hard work and dedication of educators.

Please help us thank our amazing teaching staff for all they do for students.

Student All-Stars: Waverly Elementary School

Posted on: May 11, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

The All-Star Students from Waverly were unable to attend. Principal Anne Griffith read their nominations.

Waverly Elementary School All-Stars are: 

Adelaide Riley

Adelaide is an enthusiastic learner who loves a good challenge. She has been working on The 4 Fours Challenge, (which stumps a lot of adults) and is making a stop-motion animation movie about the different meanings of subtraction. Adelaide is a strong, confident student who understands how to be a leader as well as a team player. We need more people like Adelaide in our world and I am so grateful that she is a part of our community of learners.

Caelan Riley

Caelan is a leader for positive behavior. He always tries his best and treats all students with respect. All of his classmates want to be his partner and friend!