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Student All-Stars: North Albany Elementary School

Posted on: May 11, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

North Albany Elementary School All-Stars are: 

Sadie Tatum

Sadie is an all-star student in her classroom and her school. In the classroom, Sadie excels in academics and citizenship. Her leadership, focus, and communication skills lead to success for her and her classmates as they learn together. Sadie uses these same qualities to impact our school. As a member of our student leadership team she has been a morning greeter, made morning announcements, and helped run our Pennies for Patients fundraiser. She has also given up her free time to work with younger students, helping them improve their reading skills.

Ian Bell

Ian is a charismatic, friendly, dependable student. His natural ability to lead and his confidence with his peers makes him a quality role model in the classroom. One of Ian’s best assets is his sense of humor. He uses it in the classroom to bring joy and energy to learning. When a peer is in need of academic support or a friendship, he is the first one to volunteer. In class and at recess, he is the one we can count on to include anyone and everyone. Ian is the perfect example of a student who is respectful, responsible, safe, and inclusive.

Student All-Stars: Fir Grove and Oak Grove Elementary Schools

Posted on: May 11, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Fir Grove and Oak Grove Elementary School All-Stars are: 

Payton Bates, Oak Grove

Payton participates actively in numerous community organizations. For the past five years she has volunteered at Hand-In-Hand Farm where she takes care of the equine animals, helping to train both them and the younger human participants, plus helps with their service outreach events. Payton is an active Girl Scout, a member of Oak Grove’s champion Battle of the Books team, a role model to many of our students and is also a Green Belt in Kenpo Karate. She also participates in our school choir, plays trumpet in the fifth-grade band, and she is an exemplary student who participates with intriguing out-of-the-box ideas.

Owen Duda, Oak Grove

Owen is always eager to help with any task, cheerfully pitching in whenever needed. He spends hours volunteering with his church, as an acolyte and assistant at events, and sings in their choir. He has volunteered at WAHS, with Salem’s food drive and the local FISH organization in numerous capacities. Owen consistently goes out of his way to make everyone’s days easier as a great role model to the other students, and he always has a smile on his face!

Ella Killian, Fir Grove

She’s kind, caring and compassionate towards others. She helps the classroom run smoother by setting out supplies and materials ahead of time and directs other students who need additional help. She is a proactive problem solver when it comes to managing friendships within the classroom and out on the playground. She is active in her community with her family through her church and helping families in need.

Caleb Fifhause, Fir Grove

He is a wonderful classroom citizen and always chooses to do the right thing. He is a really kind boy and a hard worker. He is helpful to others in school and out of school. Caleb always has a smile on his face and spreads his positive attitude throughout the school.



Student All-Stars: Memorial Middle School

Posted on: May 10, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Memorial Middle School All-Stars are: 

Danielle Hernandez

Danielle has been an amazing leader and volunteer for our Green Team. She has helped organize and run our school cleanups, works on the recycling and reusing program, and has volunteered to be an advocate at school board meetings and a city council meeting for better environmental practices.

Sequoia Farnsworth

Sequoia has been a godsend for our garden program. He has volunteered many hours with back-breaking work to help harvest the crop to be put in the school lunches, has fixed broken items, and built many nice planter boxes. He is always ready to go, rain or shine, with a smile on his face.

Student All-Stars: Clover Ridge Elementary School

Posted on: May 10, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Clover Ridge Elementary School All-Stars are: 

Ava Foster

Ava Foster is an outstanding citizen at Clover Ridge. She is a kind and honest student and always treats people and property with respect. She sets an example for all with her strength of character and personal responsibility as she consistently follows the school rules. Ava shows the courage to make the right choices and is willing to help others whenever needed. Ava is an excellent listener and always tries her best. She has a positive attitude toward classmates and staff and definitely makes our community a better place.

Ethan Jacobs

Ethan has such a positive attitude.  He is dedicated and works hard in all academic areas. He completes assignments in a timely manner and with great accuracy.  Ethan is willing to put in extra time and effort when required and is willing to work with others.  Ethan never seems to stop learning. When one task is complete, he finds another opportunity to continue learning.  He not only shows a growth mindset, but is also an outstanding citizen.

Student All-Stars: Periwinkle Elementary School

Posted on: May 10, 2018

At the first annual GAPS Student All-Stars Celebration, the School Board honored outstanding students from each school. Students were nominated by school staff and introduced by the school principal.

Periwinkle Elementary School All-Stars are: 


Riley Galusha

Riley Galusha is a kind, respectful and hard working student. She is a good friend to her peers, and is helpful to any adult she encounters. Riley likes to learn and asks thought probing questions in her work. She is an active participant in class and cares about our classroom community. Riley is truly an outstanding classroom citizen.

Jaiden Jaquez (not present)

Jaiden Jaquez is a strong leader who is always willing to help others. She easily steps in to help her peers as well as adults. She is amazing at reading others’ emotions and always willing to take care of others to make sure they are safe and respected.